Warum ignorier mich meine Tennie Tochter?
Hallo Zusammen,
ich bin Mutter 3 Kinder und eine davon ist jetzt in ihrer Tennie Phase. Sie ignoriert mich erzählt mir nichts mehr, lügt mich an, erzählt mir nichts und schreibt nur noch schlechtere Noten! Sie kleidet sich so wie ein wie ein Emo ich glaub das heißt so und hat sich ihre Haare schwarz gefärbt ohne meine Erlaubnis!!! Sie hat auch ein Ritual mit ihren Freunden gemacht oder so hat meine kleine Tochter erzählt. Sind hier ein paar sympathische Eltern die Tipps haben? Freu mich schon.
LG Susi
I myself am a big metal fan and I know quite well in the direction.
Your daughter slipped into the Goth scene from your description. And yes distance and also a strong defense of privacy is relatively typical.
Also “Rituale” and black appearance would point out.
But there are really worse scenes she could’ve been looking for.
Goths think a lot about life and for themselves, and are usually heavily litreeded. They take a lot of time for themselves and think about many things in part philosophically. Therefore, there are really many teenies in the scene, which later slip into another metal section or completely out.
She just needs a way of finding herself. That’s how we were all at the tea age. And I’m pretty sure it’s gonna fall back over time.
Thank you very much
If you want to get some information about it, you can read everything here.
Many clichés of the Goths do not vote and are also made clear here. Maybe you understand them a little more.
Thanks for the link 🥰
So the Emo look is nothing bad when she found her style in it is her thing. Being silent, constantly being badly glaunted, and co know most of their teenage years, that’s kind of normal, even if that’s obviously stupid for parents.
Hair coloring without permission I understand why you don’t find it well, especially if your daughter is not 16/17 years old…
And that with the ritual- as long as that is harmless and just a scary game should be all right, but for example, with mute samples and co, I see that even more critically
Ultimately act as you feel right for you. Show her you’re there/supported for her, but talk to her even if some things aren’t okay
I don’t have any children, but it was one of them:’)
Thank you for the answer 😊
I’m not a mother yet, but even Teenie.
Your daughter’s just in puberty and is probably annoyed by everything and everyone at the moment, would still show her who said that.
Otherwise, I can only put you to the heart, so not to break your head like this 🙂
Thanks a lot
I guess the most important thing is that you don’t condemn your daughter for what she is or trying to be. She’s in her founding phase and there’s just something closed to her parents. Just try to show interest in her, try to understand (at least if you don’t, give her the feeling as if you could), talk less about her, but more about general things. Talking is very important that creates tie, but if you are always talking to each other to criticize each other, there is no bump on it. It is your daughter, accepting her as she is gtad, rules should persist and be adhered to. Just like family rituals such as common food should also remain, as it is important that children as part of a family also actively participate and feel belonging.
To get a better wire back to each other, do business like cinema, shopping, restaurant visit etc. If you’re embarrassed to be seen with you then hit another city in front of nearby 😄 Don’t take all that personal, that’s normal and lies at the hormones. She loves you trz even if she can’t show and needs the support and love of her parents… And all the role model!
Good idea, thank you for your dear help 🙏
Emo is better by length than basic. Please believe me, from experience I can say that all people who are more alternative are more sympathetic and intelligent than those who run around with Skinny jeans and white croptops.
Of course, a certain aesthetic belongs to these subcultures, and it can also contain a mysterious way.
It won’t have anything to do with her style. There will be a reason why she does not currently have good performance at school. However, you cannot promote your trust by trying to control it and confronting it hostilely. If you show her that you trust her and accept her and love her as she is, she will want to deal with you more honestly. And then you can talk to her about school and ask her if she prefers to do a training rather than go to school or if she needs help etc.
Thanks a lot
Puhh, fortunately my sons didn’t come on such a nonsense that one wanted to have black hair, and we said, “Yes, you have to run around” – and already the mold was over, he never did.
Your friends – I see this influence, and it’s hard to control it. I’d be looking for the conversation with her.
If she doesn’t want to talk, it would have consequences with me.
Even if she builds nonsense, it must have consequences.
I’ve tried to talk to her before, but she’s responded more repulsively… I just hope that’s what you’d suggest for consequences. LG 😁
That’s very difficult, and you’d have to know everything about it.
e.g. what kind of friends are that, they have a bad EInfluence, what a “Ritual” was that from which the younger reported etc….
This is very difficult to judge from here.
I managed to talk about it with my sons in some “friends”, so quietly. At some point they came to the point where they doubted until they realized that they were false friends.
Then the cheese was eaten. Important: You have to remember when something is next! We can only lead the children.
Thanks a lot
Why this is the case, we can at best suspect that we do not know you or your daughter and also do not know how to treat and educate your daughter in the past.
For me, this sounds like rebellion, either against a helicopter nutration or against a to-bottle, low-communication, inconsistent or disinterested education.
My tip: Openly look for the conversation with her (always again, until it really opens). But children often do not know what is going on with them at the age of puberty, so it is Much Be patient.
Thank you I try but she always goes out of the way ðŸ ̃‰
Good luck!
I have experience too! My daughter grew out after a time! Always gentel parenting!
Lg Schmusi Susi
Hello Susi
Oha I know that from my daughter
That she prefers to tell everything with your friends etc
You hardly get through as a mommy;-)
Thanks for your answer 😊