Warum hört sich mein Verstärker nicht so an wie ich möchte?

Ich hätte gerne, dass wenn ich spiele, sich der Sound nach “Rock” oder so anhört weil es hört sich, egal wie ich den Verstärker einstelle nicht nach Rock und eher “stumpf” an.

Meine Einstellungen :

Update: habe den richtigen Sound hinbekommen

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1 year ago

Without having seen and heard anything, you cannot answer that.

Not every electric guitar amplifier offers all the possibilities for all sounds. Therefore, many also have several amplifiers. It can also be that your electric guitar cannot deliver the sound you want. Then you might have to change the pickups or add another guitar.

It may help if you switch an effect device between guitar and amplifier. I do that too, because I don’t get the sound I want from guitar and amplifiers either.

As possible reasons, strings and game technology are also considered.

1 year ago

This seems to be a very favorable amplifier for guitar beginners, possibly (the exact model cannot be recognized due to the photo section) even with transistor technology and a small speaker. Accordingly, the sound should not be special.

Nowadays, you get sounding amps for quite little money – digital modeling technology makes it possible.

1 year ago

Then you have to adjust the amplifier just as you want the sound. But by the way, not the amplifier makes the sound, the speakers are responsible for it.