Warum hört man von uns Ausländern aus Deutschland kommend desöfteren das wir in Ägypten Durchfall haben, erwischt es jeden zweiten?
Beim letzten Mal hat es mich auch schon erwischt, auf was sollte ich dieses mal besser achten?
Kein Leitungswasser trinken, ist klar OK, sollte man vom Fleisch fernbleiben?
Das letzte Mal war ich mit einer Familienangehörigen unterwegs, wir haben ungefähr dasselbe gegessen, nur Sie vegan und ich der pure Fleischfresser. Als auf meinem Teller kam immer wieder zusätzlich irgend etwas mit Fleisch, bei ihr jedoch nicht.
Sollte man auch vom Fleisch fernbleiben?
That visitors coming from Germany usually get diarrhea,
is located in Egypt primarily Water!
In Germany, the drinking water coming from the line is one of the best-preserved and controlled things in our state and highly clean and very healthy, so that, coming directly from the line, it can be supplied to the body with confidence and without concerns as a very healthy food!
In contrast to our water, the small water in Egypt – which is only subject to a very neglected control, which is in no way comparable to ours, in any way, to say a word to me – is a single germ thrower! Therefore, in Egypt in the hotel and restaurant before the consumption of water and cold foods, which are cleaned or cooked with cold water, such as salads and vegetables or fresh fruit, is to warn, as any Egyptian traveler who does not take this into account, because this is new or because he is too trustworthy, inevitably suffers from diarrhea! And this has been evidenced for decades that in Germany not only doctors, but also Egypt tourists, who inform themselves about the country extensively before their trip!
You get the star from me.
Dear Justin, thank you for your star you gave me! I was very happy about it! From your good and important question I felt addressed and tried to give a good answer! Especially since I think good drinking water in life very much for me! Then I wish you all good, good luck and health every day and always the best drop of water to enjoy! Awesome! Regilindis
The phenomenon that after a major change in location the digestion plays crazy lies at the different bacterial spectrum of the places. No matter where we stop, our body’s immum system has to deal with the microorganisms. Where we have been staying for a long time, the defense has set itself to the pathogen spectrum and the DArmflora has also adapted. After a long journey, the immune system is no longer set to the entire spectrum of pathogens and reactions such as, for example, drippings, stomach upsets or also hard-wearingness occur. This can only be met by the hygiene measures already listed here.
These symptoms have nothing to do with what country you travel to and is no reason to stigmatize the area of origin or destination. Also a sagrotanorgy at home or at the destination does not change at the cause.
No, otherwise: Keep away from fruit and vegetables;-)
Seriously, I wouldn’t eat raw fruit and vegetables, at least not if you didn’t wash it yourself with drinking water.
It may happen that the vegetables and salad in the restaurant are rinsed with tap water and so germs come in.
I’d miss ice cubes.
At restaurant visits outside the hotel I would read the reviews beforehand.
This is not the water in general, but the nil water. Where most Touris live/eat. This is the case with the uncooked water. The triggers are ice cubes, sauces, washed salads.
Gives dizzy, but mostly vomiting. We were in the city hotel in Cairo including locals, Egypt. 3 stars where we had no problrm. Once lunch at the Niltourihotel and then 1.5 days sick
The nasty germs and pathogens can listen to dishes and cutlery. To do without ice cubes is advisable. A salad can be much more burdensome than fried meat. The list is really long.
Supreme commandment in distant countries is the old law: Cook it, boil it,exfoliationit or forgetit(cook it, cook it, peel it or forget it).
Remind me if you get angry one day abroad.