Why is it called “making decisions” and not “decisions”?

I just had a discussion with a colleague, and I'm wondering where this linguistic origin can be traced back to. In English, it's "make decisions" and not "meet decisions." Thank you 🙂

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1 year ago

Because German is not English.

Here are two lists of German functional structures (FVG):

The prepositions are not the same in German and English, e.g. on = wait for; take care around something/jdn. = take care of sth / to look after sb” etc. In English there is only one article, but we – 😂😂😂 – have three!

Wat sachste nu?

1 year ago

Meeting is not meant here in the sense of “to meet”. Making decisions is a fixed term. You can also make a decision or make decisions and make decisions in a competition. It doesn’t matter how to express it in other languages.

By the way, it means not only “make a decision” in English, but also “take a decision” – but also this is not translated as “take a decision” in German, although the French express it like this: prendre une décision.

1 year ago

I can’t tell you why to make decisions in German meeting or falling – and in other languages “something else does with them”; only so much:

The phenomenon that two or more words form such a “unit” is called Collocation. I can only assume that it is simply more or less coincidence, as seen in time, which collocation solidifies and develops in what language.

In German, the teeth are also brushed, whereas they are brushed elsewhere.

1 year ago

Because…meet” the correct word in our German language is for the “decision”, whereas “making” is one that is needed by people whose German is pathetic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Koschutnig

An expert on …

1 year ago
Reply to  Koschutnig

What decline 😉😢! Have you ever said you were doing sports? I never, I sports and you have also as a child Sport driven. Today make most people Sports.

And very badly: Many politicians (e.g. Christian Lindner constantly!) want in discussions make a sentence, instead of him say.