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1 year ago

Why isn’t the apple green or yellow red?

Not the oranges were named after the color but reversed

1 year ago

And the color is green?

And what do we do with the strawberry?

1 year ago

Because the color is named after the fruit, not vice versa. So if you don’t have to call the apple “red” but the color red “apple”.

1 year ago

That the color orange named after the fruit you already know. Interesting in this context is that in Central/Northern Europe the orange, unknown fruit, was first referred to as China apple. In some languages, this has been retained: Applesine, Sinaasappel

1 year ago

Originally, the fruits were called applesine, which means apple from China. It is the country of origin China and not as many believe from the Mediterranean area on the Mediterranean. From China, the apples (called oranges because of their colour) have spread to India and later to Portugal, Spain and Italy.

LG by Manfred

1 year ago
Reply to  manfredkock

The fruits were not called orange because of their color, the color was called so because of the fruits

1 year ago

In fact, there used to be the color orange it wasn’t supposed to be red at that time. And then they called the color after the fruit.

1 year ago

Very funny. As if there were only red apples…

The orange used to be called Sinaasappel – Apple from China. This was the case with apples.

To the rest:

1 year ago

Orange runs over different stages of naranja. The color was named after the fruit.

Apples can have many different colors comma from yellow to all possible red tones.

1 year ago

There are also green apples.