Warum hat sich mein Opa da so Blöd gestellt?
Ja. Und zwar rief mein Bruder damals, als mein Papa die Glioblastom Diagnose erhielt, meinen Opa an um ihm das zu sagen.
Mein Opa stellte sich dann aber so blöd an und fragte so nach “Wie schreibt man das? GLII OOO Blastooom.
Warum stellte sich mein Opa da so blöd.
Bei seiner Frau wüsste er direkt wie man das schreibt und ausspricht.
Your brother could have asked your grandpa why he wants to know.
So it was on the phone? Perhaps your grandpa simply wanted to write down the term to get information about it (online, book, your own pediatrician asked about what is going on). Pure interest.
Maybe your grandpa didn’t hear so well at that time (at the age, many people have a hearing loss). And in order to eliminate misunderstandings, he emphasized the syllables of the term clearly. Perhaps your brother has formulated or stressed this concept somewhat complicatedly.
he didn’t do that intentionally… he probably wanted to read it and so
Ask your grandpa