Warum hat meine Sprache ähnliche Wörter wie Deutsch?
Mal ein paar Beispiele:
Wasserwaage / Vaservaga
Marmelade / Marmalada
Locke / Lokna
Schokolade / Čokolada
Suppe / Supa
Salat / Salata
Tomate / Domat
Salz / Sol
Usw usw…. ich finde es hört sich ähnlich an wieso? Also woher kommt das?
Your native language is something South Slavic, probably Croatian or a closely related phrase (Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovenian). The exact reason why the words are similar is different from case to case.
Errinert me already in German but also in Dutch
Probably because almost all of them originate from the Germanic and also from the Latin
Many of the terms mentioned by you are also in German terms.
Many European languages have similarities because they go back to Latin/Greek.
Only Finnish, Basque and Hungarian fall out completely.