Warum hat mein weißer Glitzerschal die Wäsche grau gefärbt?
Ich habe meinen weißen Glitzerschal mit anderer weißer Wäsche zusammen gewaschen. Nach dem Waschen war die Wäsche grau verfärbt, einige Teile hell-, andere dunkelgrau. Woran kann das liegen? Ist da irgendetwas eine chemische Reaktion eingegangen? Ich habe nichts Dunkles versehentlich mitgewaschen!
There is probably a dark sock in the fold of rubber protection in the door. The different shades of grey are given by the material of the pieces of laundry, natural fiber is taking color better than synthetic.
Thanks for your answer, but strangely, it’s just different! The garment made of microfiber as well as a rubber band have become deep-grey, the clothes made of cotton only slightly gray! I think the glitter is made of aluminum and maybe has ruled with the metal from the bra? Can you do that??
Wow, that would then be a highly interesting constellation. I already wash for over 50 years the most diverse materials including costumes (carnival) with brocade and lamé – all fabric with metal parts. Never have I experienced something like that. But you never know….
The hooks on underwear are also covered with plastic or otherwise protected. I’m a riddle… I’m sorry.