Warum hat kein Zoo Blauwale oder weiße Haie?
Würde gerne mal einen sehen wenn Corona vorbei ist
Würde gerne mal einen sehen wenn Corona vorbei ist
Moin ich würde gerne vom innenfilter auf einen aussenfilter wechseln, aktuell hat das Becken 240l wird aber ca Mitte nächsten Jahres durch ein ca 450l Becken ausgetauscht Welchen Filter könnt ihr empfehlen? Hab mich etwas über Eheim und Oase belesen vielleicht habt ihr ja entscheide Unterschiede etc ?
Hallo! Ich habe letzten Winter meinen Avocadobaum zurückgeschnitten damit er sich besser verzweigt da er nur kerzengerade nach oben gewachsen ist. Besser verzweigt hat er sich nun. Das einzige was mich stört ist das er stark eineitig wächst. Mir hätte es gut gefallen wenn er auf mindestens zwei Seiten neue Triebe bekommen hätte die nach…
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mein Goldfisch schwimmt die ganze Zeit schief an auf dem Boden (lebt aber) was könnte die Ursache sein?
Ich suche einen Schweizer Ort, eine Region die sprachlich Ahland/Arland/Ahrland ähnelt. Bereits gegoogelt, jedoch finde ich nur Schauspieler, Fußballer und ähnliches.
Guten morgen fisch freunde. Ich habe heute Eier im Aquarium gefunden welcher Fisch war das wohl? kann mir das jemand sagen? Ich besitze Blaue Antennenwelse, Kongo Salmler, Glaswelse, Neon Salmler und Mollys(die gebären aber ihre jungen lebend).
3 Reasons for me
1.Blue dials and white sharks do not survive long in capture.
2 The transport of such a giant animal is extremely expensive and extremely pure stress for the animals. Because even with such a transport that can cost life. that the animal dies at the transport.
3 Animals Need extremely much space you can loosely use 50 football stadiums in such a pelvis and whether this is worth a different question when the animal will die anyway.
hope to give you some games
Look at the section “Is the attitude in the dolphinarium art-friendly?”:
And this is “only” about smaller dolphins and not about 33 meters long blue whales. These lay down up to 5,000 kilometers a year, the white shark even over 11,000!
I think you can derive yourself from this, why these beautiful animals cannot be kept in any zoo and we should not do this to any such animal.
Watch on TV or on streaming services for good documentary on whales and sharks. Explore where you can watch Corona Wale in freedom. That’s much better than arresting these animals and killing them.
And above all, never throw plastic waste into the landscape. The wind carries the garbage to the next trench. The next thunder casting fills the trench and transports the garbage to the next permanently watering creek or river and from there it reaches the sea within a few weeks and kills marine animals.
Because they are very hard to keep, they need a lot of space and the food is also expensive, it would not be worthwhile.
There is NIRGENDWO an aquarium where you can see a blue whale or a white shark. You can keep these animals in captivity, in principle, the risk of something happening to the animal or to the human being is far too big and by the way: Have you ever tried to catch a 30 meter long and 150,000 kg heavy animal and transport it into an aquarium? I don’t know
Because you can’t keep them in captivity. Blue whales are much too big and white sharks die in captivity fast. You don’t necessarily want to keep every animal in the zoo. There are good zoos enough animals you can look at.
Why the White Shark does not exist in any zoo in the world
There were already white sharks in aquariums or zoos. You are currently testing how the posture can work. It is not deciphering that the attitude will soon be deciphered and this will also be done. It would even be quite important that this would work soon.
Blue whales are difficult to keep because of the size, but also because of the diets of very special food that should be produced. This is a massive effort that is currently not operated by any zoo or aquarium.
Why would that be important? From the ability to keep the animals alive to breeding in captivity, it is a further way. The multiplication strategy of white sharks is understood only in fragments. Only if the rearing succeeds, the posture has a value, because only then will it become the reserve population within the framework of species protection.
The concept known and proven by ornamental fishing, according to which the ornamental fish catchers learn to understand that they can only catch fish in intact habitats and thus earn money and therefore develop an interest in preserving these habitats, is not applicable to white sharks. The need for the zoos would be perhaps 3 or 4 animals per year for a successful attitude worldwide. This need is not covered by local farmers who earn their living with it.
I assume that the attitude cannot work at all. Like other high sea sharks. White sharks are global hikers who cross entire oceans on regular hikes. This behavior is such a central part of their lives that they cannot be held in a place without dying. There’s no one holding a train bird that’s going through and dying.
It looks quite similar with most whales and dolphins. They even commit suicide.
So far the path was not in many ways. Nevertheless, you have to go the way to carry out some research for reproduction – nothing will do better. White sharks are listed as VU, here you should do something. It is also not a question of establishing a fishing industry for the White Hai, but of exploring the species, which is not possible in nature.
It has also been thought for years that pigshaie could not be held because one did not find the key to long-term attitude and that has also been overcome. Now you will see how the breeding works here, we hope the best.
“Wanderer” is a sweet term for animals that are forced due to food occurrences to lay down large routes. This falls away in human care and the animals will be able to handle it because they don’t make it fun of joy. You can even keep migratory birds very well, breed and then deer descendants – see Waldrapp, for example.
The suicide theory is ridiculous and scientifically long ago refuted: http://zoos.media/medien-echo/delfine-selfmordschaftsobhut/ , http://zoos.media/medien-echo/selfmord-delfine-delfinariengegnerrespondency/ – I’m afraid people are still falling into the fairy tale.
Schmerlen are also no sharks and white sharks do not have long salmon walks.
“Can an animal be kept art-friendly that shows such a behavior that swings between such extremely different climate zones, the cold needs to increase in order to live in the long term but depends on heat? Rather not, is it?” – It’s not about fair attitude: http://zoos.media/medien-echo/artjust-animal-artgemaess-was-ist-gemeint/
Of course, it is also possible to replicate different climate zones in aquariums – in the end it is just the question of how much it is worth. But it is not necessary for white sharks.
Waldrappe are learned drawers, which is why their deer is so difficult, but it works well. The attitude and breeding as well. And no: such differences do not exist in white sharks – this is also quite obvious because you do not know “nothing”. By the way: even excursions into the wilderness of the superbly cartographic soil do not bring new species to light.
Well, we’re taking evidence, ne? The fact that you find this inconsistent and think that we would only link to your own website shows that you have not followed the links.
In the rearing of most of the marine animals that can be bred today, the path was really so far as a decisive part of its development cycle was not understood. How long was it that stone corals could not be kept alive in the aquarium? 150 years? Today, not only is the long-term attitude, but also the increase in many types of everyday life, both commercial and amateur.
Let’s stay in the aquarium. Most rumbles are not scary in the aquarium. They just don’t come in a reproductive mood, don’t bale, never put on laughter. Since the 70s, the reproduction of hormone syringes has been artificially stimulated, so it is possible to increase most of the sterling cost-effectively in huge numbers. Why it does not work naturally, even the literature is fading out. Maybe for fear of truth. Many kinds of rogues take long hikes. From the tropical underruns to the cool overruns. Some species go far high in the Himalayas and smile at water temperatures below 10°C. Most of the time of the year they spend in the tropics at more than 25°C and this is considered to be the posture parameters in the complete literature. Can an animal be kept art-friendly that shows such a behavior that swings between such extremely different climate zones, the cold needs to increase in order to live in the long term but depends on heat? Not more than that, right?
The simple example shows that the migrations of the animals not only have to do with food, but also with the local climate. If you can’t simulate it, the attitude doesn’t work.
There are great differences in migratory birds. There are learned drawers who follow their parents and there are instinctive drawers (shoulders) who manage their first move without their parents. Which combination of key incentives triggers the tension reflex is largely unexplored and certainly different from type to type. For this reason, there are types of train birds to which you only have to give food and warmth, they already stop pulling and other types of train birds, which also turn through and die during best care in the cage.
Why should there not be these differences in marine animals? Why should the availability of food for marine animals be the only, easily replaceable factor that triggers migrations and determines the places of reproduction?
We don’t know anything about the sea because marine research has no priority. Mars is better mapped than the bottom of the oceans, the composition of the Mars atmosphere is better explored than the effects of marine flows. Space is funded by billions of tax revenues, while 9 out of 10 deep sea diving boats and deep sea diving robots belong to an oil company. A diving trip below 5000m brings with great regularity directly a previously unwritten species of animal before the headlights. Marine research is at best where Humboldt was in lifetime when he entered South America. As if ignorance was not bad enough, we destroy whole ecosystems before we know about their existence.
Linking to your own website to prove your own statements is disgusting.
Well, a blue dial can be over 33 m long, so there’s a lot of space to do.
The pasty is probably in a bush for the petting zoo.
I’m sure Joa will, but I’m holding several outside on the meadow. There’s something about hay I’ll look you
Better choose a blue choice than the greens….
Blue whales are too big and white sharks die. The latter could not be justified yet.
Why they don’t have a 2 billion liter water tank.
Blue whale? Really?
Because you can’t block global hikers.
Too big?