Warum hat jeder YouTube Short von mir 0 aufrufe?
Ich lade seit zwei jeden Tag 3 YouTube Shorts hoch, jedoch hat jedes YouTube Short nur null Aufrufe. Außer das erste hat 500, ich hab aber alle Shorts gleich hochgeladen.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.😊
Ich lade seit zwei jeden Tag 3 YouTube Shorts hoch, jedoch hat jedes YouTube Short nur null Aufrufe. Außer das erste hat 500, ich hab aber alle Shorts gleich hochgeladen.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.😊
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Hallo zusammen, Ich habe ein Problem und zwar löscht Instagram ständig meine Kommentare. Bereits das 5. Mal in einer Woche. Ich kommentiere nicht sehr häufig und poste weder Spam, noch Werbung oder Sonntiges. Trotzdem erkennt der blöde neue Algorithmus das scheinbar als solches obwohl ich nichts schlimmes sage. Kommentare von Bots etc. bleiben hingegen. Widerspruch…
Wenn ich ihn z.b auf tik tok mit fake accaounts beleidige, sein bild als profilbild nehme?
It depends on the hook and on the time when they post it
It can take weeks to months to get calls. The YouTube algorithm has not yet identified a target group for you. Therefore, he scatters it into all possible target groups to see who it likes.
And where are the podcasts? Your channel is called, but I don’t see any videos in the long format of you. The expectation cannot be justified if the promised format is not available. So first upload and wait a few videos. Who will make the podcasts with? Have you already written people?
PS. On your channel, there’s only garbage you’re doing copying. So no own material, no own work. Only Copy – Paste.
It won’t run in that stalk. 0 calls are already too many.
Got the same problem.
The first short a day generates calls, each more stays at 0.
If you delete this and upload it the next day, you will receive calls again, so it is not the short itself.
I don’t know what to do, support doesn’t help and hasn’t found any solution yet.
Thank you.
Beautiful weekend you
With me it is so that my first 20 shorts had all 0-15 calls and then the 21st. Short suddenly 9000. The next also at least 500.
Because nobody likes
How is it a favor if it has zero calls?
It has 0 calls because each one of them has snuck away. No one has looked / liked / commented. Lad first normal videos up until you have about 1,000 subscribers. Then you can upload shorts and it will display your Subscribers. They’ll probably see it and maybe like it. Then it will appear more often and if you have luck also people who like it
Better content.
Then you need better thumbnails
Videos also get zero views
If there are no calls, the content of the shorts seems simply not interesting enough.
But the algorithm tends to make sure that the shorts are shown to people, and these people then go viral through their interactions with the short decision.
After three videos, there is no algorithm that displays your videos
Probably not interested anyone.
Okay, but the algorithm would still have to show the shorts people. People then decide with their interactions how viral the short goes. That’s why I can’t understand why all shorts have 0 calls.
Don’t be interesting.
Okay, but still the algorithm has to make sure the shorts are displayed. This is at least the case with other social forums. Isn’t that YouTube?
Not all shorts are displayed, just those that are good and interesting. Your first one was displayed to people just because it was your first one.
That’s it, your videos aren’t suggested. Your first short wasn’t that hit, maybe that’s why. It is also suggested to people who have looked similar shorts and that’s why your content won’t be interesting.
So I’ve been on YouTube shorts for two weeks, so I don’t have much idea. But it would be new to me if YouTube used an algorithm that decided before whether a video is shown or not. Because on TikTok, insta, Facebook etc. the algorithm works by people. So the video is suggested to people and these people determine by their like, comment and especially watchtime how much caller it gets.