Warum hat die Paypal Aktie so dramatisch viel an Wert verloren. Ist der Gewinn eingebrochen oder wurde eine sehr hohe Bewertung abgebaut?

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8 months ago

after the fall of 250€ to 50€ many are tuned with high sums

the Maskenmann Flo Pharell got there with almost 1 million€ (average ek 59€) and was firmly convinced to be able to take high profits

he is just the example that many think only because the cure was in the past at 250€, he will come back there in the future and hopes (in the video also said that good news will soon come. who speculates on news already makes a mistake in my eyes, but then with 900,000€ there is already a cloppte idea.
And was firmly convinced to be able to take high profits. For me, this is simply ignorance of the financial markets coupled with greed.

fundamental is paypal not as badly placed as it suggests. Paypal still has a lot of competition and barely cost-effectiveness, and many managers are simply replaced. There is simply no stability and far-sightedness in the company. Nevertheless, here you can see how important it is to scatter.

8 months ago
Reply to  emil353

Flo Pharell has unfortunately lost any seriousness since the Beercoin and Watercoin history.

8 months ago
Reply to  KaffeemitMilf

he got his 4 million euros together by questionable deals. He wants to multiply this on the stock exchange for some time.

when I look at his videos about shares, I see that he is quite clumsy on the stock exchange (presents any weird companies that you have never heard of, skin ne million€ in paypal and and and and).

now he has some trials and fight with others youtuber on the run. The guy is supposed to make his money where he was successful at that time. On the wallet, he’s definitely in the wrong place.

8 months ago

Too low growth and increasing competition. At least right now. The situation could change again (shares= long-term investment)

8 months ago

Hardly growth prospects and much competition.

8 months ago
Reply to  KaffeemitMilf

and poor service and user transition. too much

8 months ago

Yesterday all the shares have crashed, Paypal too. I thought you didn’t have shares anymore?