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🙄 For over two decades, women in the Bundeswehr have been serving in many uses in all forms of weapons, why all in the world should there be one unit consisting only of women?
I don’t see any sense in it, you could explain what purpose this should be.
Perhaps then it will be clear what you ask this question.
It is also more to be understood as a question. I think that such a unit would be a symbol of the fact that women do not receive preferential treatment and are therefore completely equal.
A separate “woman unit” would be exactly the opposite -> it would be a preferential treatment and contrary to equality.
So I used to be a conscript. One has taken into account the few women in unity, e.g. the MG or something. On the other hand, that is exactly what happens to women: They were supposed to have made it easier. But I am not talking about a statement, but more about the phenomenon of how different it is handled in the cultures, and that Germany apparently almost lacks this tradition. I see it as a phenomenon, as I see a unity of women as a phenomenon.
Because the pure propaganda is in China and we have no need for such a bullshit.
Because that’s useless and useless and the weapon genre doesn’t exist.
Because the Federal Republic of Germany is not a totality state, just like the PRC, where the party or its chairman can decide what is done.
Why is that good?
For 20 years, women have been allowed to work in all areas of the Bundeswehr. There have been mixed groups, trains, companies…
Women do good work in certain functions.
These women’s units are just decoration. I didn’t know any army that had so far had good experiences with women’s units.
Work with the Caracal Battalion.
Is that a female unit?
Know the argument that women are responsible for young people and therefore – based on career – have been missing for a very long time.
These women’s units have no military significance. They look pretty.
The “Argument” is stupid – no woman is constantly pregnant. In certain functions, women also make careers in the military.