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4 years ago

Probably for the last time the antiquity Olympics were in 393 n. Chr. before the Roman EmperorTheodosius 394 forbid all pagan ceremonies to which these games were also counted. How effective this ban was is disputed. For a long time it seemed clear that the games were at least 426 n. Chr. were no longer carried out as a fireeu stampscompletely destroyed this year. But recently archaeological investigations have provided evidence that in Olympia still in the 6th Century competitions took place – even on a modest scale. Invasions by Goten andManufacture, but above all a fall inSlavessoon after 580, the ancient Olympia finally made the Garaus.

Floods of theKladeos, landslideKronoshügelsand earthquakes are the reason why the ancient playground was rediscovered in 1766, before German excavations began in 1875, which quickly led to the popularity of Olympia throughout Europe. The firstOlympic GamesRecently found in 1896Athensto take place.

Theodosius had not only banned the Olympic games, but all the pagan events that were usual at that time.

The horrors are vague whether it has been the light clothing of the Kaempfer, or out of purely religious motives, all is a speculation.

4 years ago

In 394 after ChristprohibitiontheRoman Emperor Theodosiusthe Great (346-395) “because of the pagan character”Olympic Games. In the Middle Ages, the oldOlympic Gamesfair knight fights performed according to exact rules that found their climax in the singer’s war.,-einst-verbot-kaiser-theodosius-die-olympiade-_chid,345.html#:~:text=Im%20years%20394%20nach%20Christmas,20

4 years ago

The Roman emperor Theodosius was Christ.

In 394, he banned the Olympic Games after Christ, as he refused their “divine character”.

4 years ago

Because they were pagan.