Warum halten sich Menschen z. B. Wellensittiche als Haustier aber z. B. keine Raben?

Gängige Vogelarten als Haustier sind ja zum Beispiel Wellensittiche oder Papageien. Warum hält man sich keine Singvögel oder Raben?

Ist es das Aussehen? Deren Verhalten? Sind die schwerer konditionierbar?

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5 years ago

They’re wild birds and they’re forbidden. Besides, ravens are very intelligent. By the way, I know people who have “behaved” a staking raven. He always came to the apartment and flew away again when he had no desire.

By the way, I don’t think you should keep birds in a cage.

5 years ago
Reply to  foxigirl

Not in the cage, but maybe in a big apartment, a house.

5 years ago

VIel Fun at cleaning …. 🙂

5 years ago

A house per raven? That seems to be quite appropriate to me, but it is quite at the border of too small.

5 years ago

More in a large volume in the garden where the bird can fly freely.

5 years ago

Yeah, I meant that.

5 years ago

I generally meant to keep Vögle there should be a great perfection.

At least. Many animals are highly mobile, and need the possibility of movement to not suffer. That’s what I wanted.

5 years ago

I don’t know exactly what you mean now. I generally meant to keep Vögle there should be a great perfection. But to the story with the raven, he was free-flying and voluntarily at home. So he could come and go as he liked.

5 years ago

The Shaftsittich was and is surely the most popular home bird. I’m sure it has several reasons. On the one hand, waves are quite suspicious, they are the same and their diet is comparatively simple (they are grain eaters) because grain feed is available all year round. The second reason is for sure that first color mutations occurred very soon in the case of wave tracts, until today there are a number of different color beats for the layman almost insurmountable, from green to blue to pure white animals.

Not only waves, but also other parrots are quite fond of bird species, as they are exotic, are comparatively easy to grow and they are relatively unproblematic in their diet.

There are very dedicated holders and breeders of native bird species. If you are interested in this, you should see if there is a bird breeding club nearby, you can get in touch with the experts and be sure to advise yourself if you want to enter this hobby. Local birds are certainly just something for enthusiasts. Many of them are quite “satisfied” coloured (with the colourful variety of exotic parrots it could at best absorb the bee eater or the ice bird) and yet their diet is complicated. Even species that feed themselves as adult birds, especially of vegetable food, feed their young animals with animal food (insects, etc.), which is not always easy to get.

5 years ago

The Shaftsittich is the most cured bird at a distance in terms of pardon of posture errors.

That’s why everyone can keep him successful for a long time, even if he has hardly any idea of bird keeping.

To this end, it is cheap in maintenance, easy to care, to look imposing, active and quirky in its behavior.

His attitude hardly needs space and can take place almost everywhere.

In addition, he learns to speak and is easily zahm.

In short – it is the ideal home bird!!

Best regards


5 years ago

Wild animals may not be held by law. There’s a need for permission.

5 years ago
Reply to  philasmile

For you posture of parrots you also need an approval

5 years ago


5 years ago

Why shouldn’t small, tendingly harmless wild animals be kept as a skin?

5 years ago

You talked about the traditional animal store birds.

5 years ago

Bingo. Parrots are too general.

5 years ago

This depends on the parrot type

5 years ago

raben and native singing birds are native wildlife.

You can’t keep them. nature can only be taken if they are ill or otherwise helpless. after recovery, they must be released back into nature.

papageien and sittiche are not local. You can’t let her go.

5 years ago
Reply to  pony

nature can only be taken if they are ill or otherwise helpless.

Can you please explain why you can’t? Morally reprehensible? Or just to make practically unfavorable from wildlife pets that can not survive later alone / hardly?

Wolves (wild animals) were also kept and dogs were formed from them.

The first zoo animals were also taken from nature.

5 years ago
Reply to  pony

Were parrots and corrugations used to be wild animals?

5 years ago
Reply to  pony

That’s not quite true. There are very well holders of native birds, including and above all singing birds. The presentation of local birds in zoos has unfortunately continued to decline with the years, today hardly a zoo has a significant large number of native bird species. The Zoo Dresden or the Alpenzoo in Innsbruck, however, is located in Austria and not in Germany.

A large proportion of the presented species are therefore produced by provate breeders today, because as I said, there are hardly any zoos where we could get breeding birds. It is true that local birds cannot be taken out of nature, as all birds in Germany or the entire EU are protected by the Birds Directive. It is, however, very well permitted to obtain from a breeder breeding animals and to keep them and to breed themselves. With details I don’t know, probably one will have to lead a proof of origin for the birds (like that is definitely the case if one wants to keep native Salamanders), possibly the attitude must be reported to the respective Nature Conservation Authority.

5 years ago

There are people who possess tame ravens. But not in the apartment.

If it happened to me, then no bird would have to live in a small cage, even wellies and parrots would not. They also suffer from captivity and often bad attitude.

2 years ago
Reply to  Munga01

You don’t know. Or are you a raven? Animals can have a completely different opinion we are all the same.
So stop talking for the animals.

2 years ago
Reply to  RexH4nter

How sweet!