Warum halten Anime Character in Kämpfen so viel aus aber sobald sie nicht kämpfen und eine Katze zerkratz (z.b) sie dann verletzen sie sich und spüren schmerz?

Ergibt doch kein Sinn. Wenn sie nicht kämpfen spüren sie dann auf einmal bei Kleinigkeiten schmerz oder Bluten (z.b. eine Watsche oder leichter Schlag auf dem Kopf), aber in Kämpfen halten sie die stärksten Schläge aus.

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6 months ago

Yeah, that doesn’t make sense. But there are 4 possibilities:

Overcome drama: Anime often uses an excessive representation to make certain scenes more humorous or emotionally effective. In struggles, characters act heroic and indestructible because it is intended to strengthen the tension and seriousness of the situation. In contrast, the pain in everyday life is often humorous or contrasted with the epic struggles. A small scratch or a slight injury should then act strangely and show the human, vulnerable element of character.

Genre Conventions: In many Shonen animes, for example, struggles are the central element, and the characters have superhuman powers, stamina and healing powers. This supernatural resilience is part of the genre. Aside from the fights, in calmer moments, the characters often return to a “more normal” state in which everyday pain and injuries are possible to entertain the audience in a lighter, more humorous way.

Emotional contrast: Fighting in animes are often emotionally charged, with characters that fight for their beliefs or for the good of others. Their unwavering will and determination strengthen their physical endurance. Outside the fights, this emotional “protection shield” often lacks, so everyday things like a cat scratch suddenly become noticeable.

Artificial tension and character weakness: Another explanation could be that such moments are used to give the characters weaknesses or comical features that make them more sympathetic and closer. If a character was invincible and feelingless, it could easily lose emotional depth and human connection. Small injuries in unthreatening situations emphasize their vulnerability and give them more personality.

These are various stylistic means that are often used by mangaka