Warum haben wir Pech mit Periode und Jungs nicht?

Mich nervt so unglaublich meine Periode .

Warum müssen wir Frauen jeden Monat leiden und Männer nicht ?

Z.B heute bin ich morgens um 4 aufgestanden weil ich schmerzen hatte , habe heute wieder meine Tage . Dann müsste ich heute früh raus mit den schmerzen und war bis 16 Uhr auf den Füßen ( mache Praktikum im Krankenhaus )

Und jetzt liege ich Bett und mit geht’s nicht so gut …

Warum müssen wir Frauen sowas ertragen .

Ich bin 15 und habe jetzt schon kein Bock auf diesen Mist … Jeden Monat das gleiche.

Wie ist es z.B später wenn ich arbeiten muss .. ich will als Krankenpflegerin arbeiten und will mich nicht immer Krankmelden deswegen . Aber die ganze Zeit Körperlich zu arbeiten wenn man schmerzen hat ist auch alles andere als schön..

An die Frauen die arbeiten , wie geht ihr damit um ?

Und warum müssen wir so ein Pech mit Periode haben ??

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4 months ago

Please also discuss this with the female doctor of your trust and/or your mother. If the pain is strong, it should be explained that the “normal” period pain is.

As a man, I can only report on the further questions from other women. That’s where I’m going to let the answering girl go.

Pain does not have to be stopped in any case, ask your female physician about the use of painkillers and when that is sensible.

Why questions:

Why do we have to be so shy or stupid? Why do we not know until a child’s first testimony whether we are fertile, while the “mothers” can confirm this every month? Why does “Jungs” draw us a small cold, while “Mädels” put it away rather?

In the end, no comfort for your pain, but an opening of the look that may not make you feel so delivered.

And bad luck? Fairness only comes into the world with the action of people. We have to do it well for everyone. We men try this a little bit with feed and warmer bottle for our daughter or partner…

4 months ago
Reply to  JaninaGF

Either way, you can always complain.

Men also have disadvantages and there are scientific studies that women are usually a lot happier and more satisfied. For example, women do not commit suicide as often as men.

The Africans or Asians can also sue that they have not been born as Germans and the Germans can complain that they have not been born in Switzerland, the Netherlands or Scandinavia.

With the parental house many can also complain because their parents are poor or beat them.

You can complain in many areas, why you have been given this life. No one can choose when, where and as what he or she is born. You just have to make the best of it and can’t change it. I’d rather have another life.

If it’s so bad, it might make sense if you go to the doctor.

2 months ago
Reply to  MacMadB

I don’t think your “why questions” are really convincing now, except perhaps those with the men’s cold.

Why do we have to be so shy or stupid?

That sounds like you were forced to do it and couldn’t change it. That’s not true. Just as well you could ask why girls are so tingly “must”.

Why do we not know until a child’s first testimony whether we are fertile, while the “mothers” can confirm this every month?

You can also be infertile as a woman, even though you get your days every month. It’s just something to do with it.

2 months ago
Reply to  Aaa35

Thanks for thinking!

The question is a change of view, “time an opening of the view”, not a clean argumentation.

And to the guys I picked out: Of course, they are also stereotypical.

The comparison of fertility also highlights the experience at first. Well, in addition, it was a revelation of reproductive medicine in the 1980s (?) that two-thirds of the purely physical infertility of couples came back to the man. Even if all reproductive clinic pages focus more on the woman. And even if, since that, various fertility-inhibiting viruses have spread in the population (use condoms!).

2 months ago

I’m a 29-year-old woman with PCOS and hirsutism. So I have a disease that only women can get and at first thought how unfairly life women are to allow women’s specific diseases besides menstruation, pregnancy and birth.

But if I’m honest, I don’t want to be in my husband’s skin. Having such an active libido as he has it, but having me as a partner who has as good as libido due to a hormonal disorder is anything but optimal to satisfy his sexual needs.

We may have 2x GV a month. My husband could feel at least. 2x a week.

Even men suffer, only differently.

We are all slaves of our hormones and everyone suffers from it in its kind, both emotionally and physically.

4 months ago

No babies without period. Yeah, it’s corrosive.

If I have to work, I’ll take painkillers and torment me through the day, try to make early evening and put me in bed at home.

Luckily, it’s just the first two days I feel bad. Reporting 2 days sick every month is not an option.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kalimana

Why not?

4 months ago
Reply to  Keineahnung457

Because you can get rid of your job very quickly.

2 months ago
Reply to  Kalimana

It’s not an option because we live women in a “working world” originally intended for men. We women cannot adapt the working day to our cycle, as every month 2-3 days sick parties, because men now have no one who would justify this, otherwise you risk a job loss.

4 months ago

Because you get sick?🤔

If that’s the case, I’m on a regular holiday.

4 months ago

In nature there is no gender equality a lá feminism.

Who complains about insect wives who kill and eat their male partners after or after pairing?

2 months ago

Boys have other problems 😉

4 months ago

As a man, of course, I can’t feel the pain.

Nevertheless, I can give you the scientific reason: because your body has several organs, such as uterus, ovaries and more, which are essential for the pregnancy and birth of a human being.

Your body is naturally so biologically set to carry and bear children.

Our body, on the other hand, is designed to fertilize you by ejaculating in you, so that the egg can only achieve a new life in its function.

4 months ago

we need period to get kids

4 months ago
Reply to  iemandxx02

But why we and not the men?

2 months ago
Reply to  September24

I was wondering, but it doesn’t use anything… It developed what was necessary and that was then. My mother always said I should be proud of the ability to give children. ^

4 months ago
Reply to  September24

Brother, how should a person know? How did not have been produced in a factory where the construction plans lie.

4 months ago
Reply to  September24

Because God wanted

2 months ago

Why we men have much heavier and much more bad luck we need to shave every day

is somehow much worse

2 months ago
Reply to  Markasian16

I have to be a woman, as I have millerutism. But even without millerutism, most women have to shave every week because it is an ideal socially for women to have smooth legs and armpits. If a woman does not fill this, she is either unhygienic or lazy, but certainly not “beautiful”.

2 months ago
Reply to  Markasian16

What do you prefer? Every day/ every two days shave 10 minutes or every month 4 days with belly cramps and nausea torment you through the day and know next month it is the same?

2 months ago
Reply to  Linaluis

I can’t judge this because I have to wax both on my face every 2 weeks and fight with symptoms of the cycle every month. I think many women believe that men have better, but men simply have quite different problems that are neither better nor worse. Everyone feels different. If I hadn’t got PCOS, I wouldn’t have had any problem with it 3 days before the period with nausea and diarrhea because it was like that before PCOS. The cramps in the first two days were rarely felt as bad for me. With PCOS, my cycle has changed and now has as good as almost no cramps during the period, but I feel the ovulation for worse. I would like to return my old cycle immediately, but not to be a man, because I had been very well aware of it over the years.

2 months ago
Reply to  Markasian16

Well, if you compare it with period, every day you shave a luxury, and women have more pressure when it comes to shaking. Women have no less hair than men (except on the face) and when a man is unraveled is looked away, but woe it is a woman

4 months ago

know it is, of course, unfair, but some men also do enough things…some work too dead to earn enough money for their families…the woman does so…if you can wear it net then do sport, there are exercises that help, eat healthier, take care of your body during the period etc, otherwise let the womb take you out, then never have to cry around

by the way, come in the life of all women, others crying net so around and do the double what you do, others have more stress than you, but you can get it clear

good improvement


4 months ago
Reply to  JaninaGF

In the beginning it is becoming harder to deal with the time you learn to

3 months ago
Reply to  Mika2469

dreadful unwrong, unhelpful commentary

3 months ago
Reply to  Mina19822165

I am also a woman and know what I’m talking about, my days are net so pleasant, I have mega a lot of stress home as well as in school, and that’s why my body is more often good when I have my days uplifting it’s bad, I cunt, can sleep net, have pain etc…… but I learned to deal with it…. during my days I try to relax and as little stress as possible to get the ears… but net always works….

please, if the net proves enough then say what you have against it

3 months ago
Reply to  Mina19822165


2 months ago
Reply to  Mika2469

In principle, you’re right, but you can formulate it a bit more friendly.

And who says a woman doesn’t work to death for her family? For them it is probably even more difficult because as a woman you get almost everywhere less pay than men. Both men and women who are alone sometimes leave meals so that their children can get enough or go to school.

I don’t want to say that men always have better than women, but you can’t just exclude them from this.

3 months ago

Of course you can, in your case for example, not say that because yes you do enough and have no person who understands you… is really sad… I know it.. if I see that I will be more lonely I always try to keep me back. I don’t want others to be stressed unnecessarily because of me.. But if I get fucked for example with my friend, I apologize to him and say that I have my days and yes.. I don’t feel good, he understands it and even when I sometimes say stupid things or even really bad, he knows that I don’t understand everything, he knows that I have a lot more respected in the moment phase and just feel bad.

if your man does not understand what pain you are wearing, buy such a simulator of underlying pain and can show it to him (of course you don’t have to if you don’t want it)

there are just women as you have the really bad symptome during their period, plus have a lot about the ears, stress, children, work… etc, but there are also women who can never get hurt because of the smallest pain… I call them pampered or weak because they don’t know what real pain is. I meant that with “Listen to cry around” or as I wrote, of course I fully understand you, to people like you was this statement not added but to the ” pampered” girls.

I’m sorry if I’ve expressed as wrong, wish you a lot of strength, you’re a strong woman and I respect something like that


3 months ago

as women, we can handle more sensitive, feminine and understanding with it! Supporting one another instead of writing: jammere ned! do this, do that… have commented on the right comment

3 months ago

Sorry I commented the wrong comment! One of them found more sports and don’t suck! I’m sorry. I am 42 and I was born 3 kids and I suffer every month from PMS and my period. I think we should get more understanding of the social environment as at work. I still find it difficult to deal with it today with pain. ps: Acupuncture helps … and rest/return. But otherwise I am full with you… I have a fight with my husband every month, he still can’t do it when I’m, more zigzag, but I don’t want to be too busy with it despite being uncomfortable, working and being for everyone…

2 months ago

How is nature

4 months ago

Well, what do you want to do about it? It’s just that, and nobody can do it. The best thing will be to get rid of it.

4 months ago
Reply to  Sft46

The best it will be,

No, that’s the only thing we can do.

4 months ago

So we can get kids…

So with me it was always only the first day with pain. Tablet naproxen taken and on work.

4 months ago

Topic Pain: Don’t get children. Is something like that – men have fun, we have…

4 months ago
Reply to  September24

… hopefully just as much fun!

3 months ago

Men also suffer, but different. Mostly under the moods of the partner. I’m just saying PMS!

4 months ago

Would be interesting to feel these pains….😅😅

4 months ago
Reply to  momslayer030

Be glad it’s not just the pain, you just feel shit, often really sick, tired, powerless.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kalimana

Yeah, okay……but I still want to feel it 🤷🏻 ♂️

4 months ago

Unfortunately, we must live with this.
But if you have such severe pain during your period or generally have problems with it, you should go to the female doctor.

2 months ago
Reply to  jule2204

Question : Is the smell (not bad but present) as normal as that of a woman always when she has her days? I noticed with my SIS when we together z. B. in summer in the car

2 months ago

Hello JaninaGF,

I hope you will be better soon!:)

Maybe a heat bottle will help you?

Why do women have to bear it?

Mmh, it’s hopefully also for you when you get better again something wonderful!

I hope one day you keep a child in the poor that you have carried out.

You are a wonderful and valuable person!:)



4 months ago

You’ll arrange yourself with time like any woman.

4 months ago
Reply to  JaninaGF

Friends would have said too much. But the symptoms will no longer be as strong as initially. Also the inner posture changes to the period. It doesn’t make sense to lean against it – it’s like it is. At some point it is understood that the period is not a disease and then it is easier to cope with it. Believe me, after almost 40 years of life with menstruation.

4 months ago
Reply to  Sarah3333

I can say after 8 years period it is unfortunately not so

2 months ago
Reply to  Sarah3333

I have them for 8 years and I can tell you it’s going to be worse from year to year than the hospital is a month’s visit 🙂