Warum haben öffentlich-rechtliche Sender kostenpflichtige Kanäle?
Warum haben öffentlich-rechtlich finanzierte Sender wie das ZDF beispielsweise auf Amazon Prime kostenpflichtige Sendungen?
Wir bezahlen doch schon mit unseren Rundfunkgebühren dafür, dass diese Sender kostenlos für alle erhältlich sind und ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, warum Amazon Prime da eine Ausnahme darstellen sollte; die Sendungen wurde doch auch mit unserem Beitragsgeld gedreht.
Und dann müssen wir trotzdem nochmal zahlen, wenn wir das sehen wollen? Gibt es da irgendwelche Gründe für, die sich mir hier nicht erschließen?
the publicly legal transmitters provide for paid basic services via the broadcast rail (radio waves). So the ÖR aren’t “Free” the payment structure, but at 2 cents/broadcast hour extreem it’s cheap (Peanuts) if you break down to the individual channels you’re Milllicent.
For more than 30 years there have been disputes with private broadcasters whether and how public broadcasters can be represented on the Internet.
1. The private broadcasters believe that publicly legal broadcasters have not lost anything on the Internet. And if it is, that it must not be “free” because it consumes competition. And the private broadcasters are of the opinion that the ÖR can only offer up-to-date “broadcast” but cannot build an archive, so the archive duration of broadcasts is limited to a few weeks, except for news and school TV
This is in the concrete case that the Terra X broadcast is “free” but you have to pay Netflix because stream even if only costs are in the cent range. But Netflix wants to get maximum returns. For this you have VoD and do not have to wait for a show and/or cut it yourself
2.) 30 years ago, various ÖR stations started to create different offers on the Internet and whose costs are financed from the fees of the ÖR, which then led to various lobbying in politics and whether the necessary is complete. The result is that the ÖR has to save money anyway, and the Internnet appearance has been approved at the minimum cost as a “programme accompaniment”. Also, the ÖR should not advertise on the Internet or offer payment services because that would have happened in competition with private individuals. Last but not least, there are the fee deniers who want to completely abolish ÖR(t)en and want to avoid that the “parasite” also spreads on the Internet.
3.) 60 years ago, Erhard, Kiessinger, Kohl and Strauss wanted to slow down the more politically critical ÖR transmitters of the “red” SPD countries with the ZDF and in general enforce more state radio/state influence at the ÖR and the Leo Kirch wanted to earn much more and more political influence. After 1977, Kohl, Strauss and Kirch “reformed” the ÖR by 1990 with the focus on restricting the ÖR and establishing private television and expanding/enlarging it.
4. Up to the 70s TV content was produced/paid by ÖR himself. TV series and feature films were purchased at sales and film retailers (Leo Kirch). There was no free “market” so the broadcasts were cheaply buyable and there was a regulated advertising market on TV whose profits the ÖR had to use for the pogram part or for the own production of series and feature films. The TV market in DE was “closed” and all worked according to wages. Since 1980 there were no productions for TV and even talkshow or game shows were produced externally. This is behind TERRA X is a producer consortium from several countries with ZDF, National Geographic and BBC as main producers. Terra X is produced as a mantle format and then localized with partners. Terra X gets broadcasting fees and “heared” not to the ZDF or even fee payers at every broadcast on TV. If Terra X sells over another bill (DVD, VoD) and thus earns money, it does not affect the ZDF or the get shares because of ZDF brandings and modertor parts that have produced the ZDF. This is not bad or Terra X would not be feasible/payable for ÖR, and 99% of the fee payers would have said Terra X would be unnecessary and waste money. Bzw that happened in England with the BBC that was further mined under Tories in the summer. Now, after Johnson and Brexit, many British have only noticed that the BBC is important and can also cost money.
Thanks for your very helpful and detailed answer! The asterisk they have more than earned! ⭐ ⭐
Amazon is a third-party provider. Amazon earns money to offer these things (to keep customers or win them).
Why should the public not benefit from the business model and offer the productions by royalty? Or, in other words, why should the public provide their productions free of charge so that Amazon can make even more money?
If it doesn’t suit you, use the public’s offers directly instead of third-party.
In their media libraries the searched shows are not to be found, that is the problem. Maybe I should have added.
Then the question should be more why they are not permanently retrieved.
However, the fact that Amazon is a profit-oriented company and that it is also allowed to participate in this profit if you provide Amazon services does not change that for me.
Nobody forces you to look at Prime.
Old archive broadcasts may not offer the ÖR free after the private TV stations have complained and won.
Of course no one forces me to look at them. But if I have paid radio fees, then you should think that I also have the right to look at them without further payments. Otherwise, the broadcasting fee could also be eliminated completely.
Thanks for the info. I think the judge or the judge has decided that wrong, that should not be so. We end consumers are simply completely ignored, it is all about the well-being of the big companies, we are being bitten again.
I guess because not everyone who uses amazon also pays round radio fees.
but actually also find that they could put it into their media library for free.
That’s what they find. But they can’t do it anymore after they have lost a legal dispute against private broadcasters.
To the danger that you did not notice where you book. You don’t book at the ZDF, but at Amazon. Of course, Amazon cannot offer you any ZDF productions for free. At ZDF, on the other hand, you will probably find all Terra X individual contributions free of charge in the media library.
Nor; I don’t find those I’m looking for, not in the media library.
The public-law sniff their archive program there. All these shows were available for free in the ZDF and were also available for a while in their media library for free.
What is offered here are only old shows from the archive.
I can’t find them in the media library anymore, so I don’t have any chance to look at them when I just found them.
They could leave the broadcasts in the media library so that one can look at them as German citizens. But they are taken from the media library before they are uploaded to Amazon.
Unfortunately, public broadcasts can only provide a certain time in their media libraries. It’s a stupid law, but that’s why they can offer their old shows for example at Amazon.
Amazon Prime costs. Very simple
If you want to see this, you can also see it in the ZDF and do not have to pay PRIME and then the channel. If you buy a DVD from Tera X, you have to pay it.
With the DVD one could still think that private costs were incurred, for which we would have to pay. But for the production of the broadcast, we have paid in full with our radio fees.
Then these broadcasts should be available to us for free as long as they still have relevance – so long as they are not 20 years old and have been replaced by more modern broadcasts on the same subject.
In the ZDF Mediathek it is no longer possible to find, otherwise I would.
ör Sender may only offer their broadcasted programs in the media libraries free of charge for a certain period. This has been achieved by private broadcasters on the basis of legal regulations by complaints. If they want to offer these programs that have disappeared from the media libraries to the audience, they need to ask for money.
Really? What does that have for a sense, it’s completely crap for us end consumers. We finance all the crap and then have only a limited time to find the documentation, otherwise we have to pay for it again… what a judge has decided 🙄
It is about the competition between private broadcasters and ör broadcasters. This was achieved by private broadcasters by lobbying with the relevant national legislators. The exact provision is in § 11d Broadcasting State Contract. For more detailed information please https://www.daserste.de/specials/ueber-uns/verweildauer-100.html