Warum haben nur 30% der Insekten in Deutschland seit 1970 überlebt?
70% sind ja verschwunden
70% sind ja verschwunden
Letztens hat meine Bio Lehrerin gemeint, dass ertrinken nicht schmerzhaft sei. Sie meinte das man recht schnell unmächtig wird und es garnicht schmerzhaft sei. Aber stimmt das? Die Lunge füllt sich ja mit Wasser und das muss doch richtig unangenehm und so sein oder täusch ich mich da?
Hi, Ich habe gestern so ein seltsames Insekt bei mir Zuhause gesehen, es kam einfach durch das Fenster geflogen. Kann mir bitte irgendjemand sagen, was das ist? Danke im voraus! Lisa1545
Frage steht oben, konnte ich meinem 5 jährigen leider nicht beantworten. Vielleicht könnt ihr es 🙂 und nein es kann natürlich nicht die Eizelle sein!
Als Hausaufgabe wurde uns diese Frage gestellt und ich finde dazu nichts Nützliches im Internet. Ribosome und die Kopie des Gens spielen dabei anscheinend auch eine Rolle. Wird das defekte Protein nun abgebaut oder wie kann man sich das vorstellen? Danke im Vorraus 🙂
Hey, Mein Wellensittich hat seit einem Jahr schupige kralle woran kann es liegen. Er ist top fit aber ich mache mit langsam Gedanken.Das Gefieder und der Schnabel sind alle gesund.
Cell phone radiation at almost every corner, 5G will give them the rest. seems to be one of several factors. But the billions are more important. Still. In the end, you will see that a total loss of this fauna will not be compensated with any money in the world. The focus is currently on climate change. On the other hand, climate change is nothing.
But you should not forget that the whole wind turbines also blow away many insects from the flat earth.. Here comes the increased occurrence of reptiloids in recent years and what does most reptiles eat? insects! Wake up!
yes yes Ignorance was always a decisive character property before the decline. In the end, it means “but we didn’t know that”:D Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.
This has various reasons. 1. Destruction of habitat 2. Climate change 3. Pesticides and pest control (insec which are not considered pests are also attacked by pesticides .) Or, if certain insects are dependent on certain plants, for example, we say the blood beer on the scald, and this plant is destroyed because it is regarded as weeds or poisonous then starve the animals and die out. But if there are no more insects, there will be no more animals that feed on insects (think how many birds are insect eaters) and we will have to dust every flower with the hand if we want to eat fruit, vegetables or berries, because insects pollute flowers. That’s a long chain.
Mainly by intensifying agriculture by means of industrial cleaning and pesticide use. As a result, many edge strips, unreinforced paths, hedges, dry walls etc. have disappeared. Also the intensified green farming, through which there are hardly any flowery meadows.
There is also surface sealing through construction areas and roads, which has cost many dry grass areas.
if the numbers are correct, our nature will be underway in the next 10 years.
A world without insects cannot survive.
To make nature protection and more for insects.
Insect hotels or insect-friendly gardening, promotion of wild plants (weeds).
And much more.
so that the peasants have more to poison?
Without insects the sowing is not pollinated, then there is no harvest and what then?
that is obvious to the old, otherwise they would not fight against a glyphosate ban with their hands and feet
dwindling habitats, less biodiversity, many insecticides… there are many reasons for and most people are made.
There are many factors. Climate, road transport, construction …
mainly agricultural poisons that were necessary because we need to feed an increasing population.
Area sealing, intensive agriculture and forestry, monocultures, pesticides, air and water pollution.
And clean, clean gardens.
Very bad, yes 👍