Warum haben manche Solobusse 2 Türen und Gelenkbusse 3 Türen und manche Solobusse 3 Türen und Gelenkbusse 4 Türen?
In einigen Städten haben die Solobusse 2 Türen und die Gelenkbusse 3 Türen und in anderen Städten haben die Solobusse 3 Türen und die Gelenkbusse 4 Türen. Warum eigentlich?
Our Städtische Verkehrsbetriebe have solo buses with 2 and 3 doors and almost only articulated buses with 4 doors.
With us it is possible to explain that on all lines the buses in the city network also drive the buses with more doors as there is the quick entry and exit required.
The solo buses with 2 doors therefore go on the rural lines where not much passenger traffic is expected, as in the city. These lines therefore also hold only to get out at the stops in the city.
I am not a bus expert, but it is at least obvious that this is due to the different uses. In the case of cross-country buses with only a rare passenger change, an additional door may be dispensed with for higher seat capacity, while in the case of city buses, where more frequent and more passenger changes take place, an additional door in the balancing gains more seat capacity.