Warum haben manche Angst einzugestehen dass sie psychisch leiden und sie dann in Therapie müssen oder sogar in eine Klinik?

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Thomas Richter
4 months ago

I think one of the main reasons is that you don’t want to be a “psychically ill” and you can obviously influence everything you think yourself, that is, that you have the thoughts it would always be “information” anyway and you shouldn’t do yourself that way…

Many symptoms are often spoken small or thought “will be again”. Many disorders come sneaky, which also means that, of course, there are also good days, which then also strengthens you better to regulate for yourself.

In addition, of course, the topic is generally perceived as very unpleasant when you have to tell a strange person. You may also doubt yourself, think if you are taken seriously at all, because you can’t see anything from the outside and you can’t finally prove it’s like it is.

There are still many prejudices regarding clinics. I hope that with my action I have also contributed something to the fact that no one has to fear it.

3 months ago

I can speak from my own experience that it is perhaps unpleasant for many or they want to admit themselves that they need help (I am 13 years old and go straight into therapy but had to go first with my bff to school psychologist and there actually only my bff took this because I didn’t want to say anything about it)