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1 month ago

It’s not fat.

On heating, juice is discharged which contains, inter alia, collagens and therefore becomes solid on cooling.

It’s not unhealthy or dangerous. Whoever likes can eat the jelly. If it bothers, it can also rinse easily, best with warm water. ‘

1 month ago

Why do we have such a glaze around?

This is gelled juice with all the proteins that are also in meat broth, for example. The jelly is concentrated and liquefies as soon as it is heated. Something more gelatin and it would be aspik! Try it – it tastes!

The juice emerges in the pack, which is probably technically conditioned.

Depending on whether it is conventional or organic sausages, some butchers also mix shredded ice into the meat mass, which is good for the volume – even for profit.

As a vegan, you wouldn’t be sure to ask this question ! ðŸ ̃‰

1 month ago

This is also gelatin 😉 and fat