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2 years ago

It was still all very decentralized and one reason for a wastewater system was not seen. Thus it was simply tipped onto the road or in places provided for it and waited until the rain flushes it away.

You haven’t understood anything like “bacteria.” However, there were already clever people who saw a connection. Only with the fatal events of the plague, has one actually begun to change something.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ifosil

You thought the disease was transferred by bad air, which is why you could not use the garbage as a fertilizer simply tipped out the window

2 years ago

I don’t think they didn’t care, and they didn’t know where to go

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaydina97

No, they didn’t care. The thoughts of diseases would be transmitted by bad smells and the Apfal of which could be used partly as fertilizer. They didn’t just tip the road

2 years ago

Because garbage collection and sewerage were not invented. And between 7 and 9 in the morning, from the upper floors, “Habt Aaacht!” and who then wasn’t quickly gone and also looked up, had the contents of the night pot in the eye. Fucker.

All consumers would have to have an original week of medieval events. Healing.

2 years ago
Reply to  BenjaminSisko

No, you didn’t get the garbage so

2 years ago

This is such a myth about the Middle Ages, which probably came up in romance when one made the Middle Ages “finest” – but it wasn’t.

Nothing was thrown away earlier because you could need anything again. Waste from garden/wood and plants/ vegetables/fruit was composted and came back into circulation as a compost. Meat/food residues were fed to animals. Kaputte clothing was repaired until you could see it, then it still served years or decades as a cleaning cloth. wooden vessels were carved when they were broken; from something big you can still do something small. Also excretions were brought into the fields as fertilizer. Only Irdenes or later ceramics could no longer be replaced and was thrown away (see Monte Testaccio in Rome).

This was of course for the country. In the city it was more difficult because without fields you do not need a fertilizer etc. But there was something like garbage collectors in ancient times that kept the streets clean. An outside job for ejects.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris428

There were also around towns and cities fields

2 years ago

This is a wide-spread misbelief, which did not tip their dirt onto the road, which was partly used as a fertilizer. They also thought to transfer the bad rugged diseases, which was also a reason why they put a lot of value on hygens. The dirt lying on the streets came in the old of animals such as horses and was also removed. In some cities such as Vienna or Frankfurt there was even an abwessersystem so a sort of sewerage

2 years ago

There it was out of the house… it wasn’t just the dirt, even feces from the night pot, for example, just out of the window

2 years ago
Reply to  warning534

This is wrong, they have used the garbage as fertilizer and, in view of the fact that they believed that bad rugged diseases were to be transferred, of course, they did not want the city to be a single toilet and acted accordingly.

2 years ago
Reply to  Reinkanation

A call with dogma “that’s wrong.”

How much space was in the medieval cities? The population lived within the city walls rng in close proximity, and constantly came new people..For compost, the whole road was a compost baptism and it ran out of the rats also baptism in the city was no place, everywhere rats and pigs ran around. Only later came the insight, waste should no longer be poured into the street inattentively and pigs were no longer allowed to move freely. It was only at 1500 that it was forbidden that shwins were left on the road between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m.

There were trembling the houses of latrin shafts and waste pits. The abortion pits had to be emptied from time to time. In Frankfurt there was “heymekeit-fegere” and his “Pappenheimer” in Nuremberg.

Frankfurt was, like almost all the cities in the Middle Ages, dirty. The alleys were covered with all kinds of dirt, dung piles cried every corner, pigs ran around freely, your garbage and their night pots emptied many Frankfurters simply onto the street – even if that was not allowed. In order not to sink up to the ankles in the Morast, who could afford to wear wooden shoes with cubes. Only for the fair or imperial visit was the city rough cleaned and fresh straw scattered. Until then, the lack of hygiene ensured that disease epidemics repeatedly embarrassed the city.


2 years ago

Thanks, I also studied history (only a few semesters). compliment also that you have now committed and commented on polemic; unfortunately very uninformed, e.g., the poplar homes and yomeness-fegere were professions and nothing else at all – and why the houses were built in the MA in such a way that they almost hit one another at the top or what the marital trench was, we leave quietly aside.

There was nothing with beards uncomplicated, A look in today’s still existing city cores from this time shows that. Read it.

Sebastian Barsch (ed.): Towns in the Middle Ages © Persen Verlag

as Albrecht Dürer wrote:

“A row that was there between the judenheuser down to the leather gass … pis to the Newengass … I let clear to Martini in the seventieth jar (1470) and gave it too much … two and two pussy old. The series had been cleared in 18 jaren nit”

But what should I become and do not want to convince you, because some people do not want to be convinced with facts, so I do not make another attempt here. Bon Jour mon ami

2 years ago

Wrong Wrong!

First of all, it’s nice that you’re interested in the topic of Middle Ages, even if you’re very misinformed. This is really not your fault, because what is more false information than true, so sad that is.

Your link is a typical example and actually a single hate speech about the Middle Ages. Information? Minimum and then misvalued.

How much space was in the medieval cities? The population lived within the city walls in close proximity, and new people constantly came

This is already wrong. The oldest city cores were densely built, but there can be no mention of Enge at all. Especially since the city as a whole was completely loosely built with really large open spaces for gardening in and urban agriculture. Your grave link speaks of pig husbandry.

The whole street was a compost

Wrong! The whole Middle Ages was an extremely fertilizer time. There were composts in the city, but not on the streets in the gardens and courtyards. By the way, compost is not a dirt! Every one of them has a garden knows that.

everywhere rats ran

Rats are cultivators where people live are rats. It was not different in the Middle Ages. However, not as it is today. Today, there are, even numerically adjusted, extremely much more rats than at the time.

Pigs around.

Wrong! Have you ever had anything to do with pigs? You don’t just let them walk freely, that doesn’t matter. Not at that time. But in certain ways, the pigs were allowed to be led to the forest in the morning, where they were looking for their own food all day. In the evening the same way back. Why then always the same way? So that the pigs could not leave dirt everywhere and clean it up.

Insight, waste should no longer be poured into the road

That was never done, on the contrary! At first there was hardly any garbage. Even though people did not feel bad, they did not live in the consumption age of disposable packaging and plastic diapers. Everything was used further. A user explained this nicely.

It was absolutely pleasing to throw garbage out the window. In contrast to today’s high-rise settlements, where entire furniture is removed from the windows, such a behaviour was uncommon at the time.

There were trembling the houses of latrin shafts and waste pits. The abortion pits had to be emptied from time to time. In Frankfurt there was “heymekeit-fegere” and his “Pappenheimer” in Nuremberg.

Jo is. But they were not waste mines, but trenches for waste water. Otherwise, a nice indication of the planned disposal of the Middle Ages.

The last paragraph is just scrap, forget it.

2 years ago

Especially due to lack of cleaning structures (waste water system, waste disposal, …)

2 years ago

I’m sick, they had bigger problems with the masters, knights, witches, etc., than to separate the garbage, and then to escape.

In addition, there is also a question of how much garbage you really had, which you could not burn. :

2 years ago
Reply to  chanfan

No, in the cities there were no landlords and knights, the witches’ processes only came up in the late Middle Ages and the garbage was disposed of and often used as fertilizers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Reinkanation

I guess you took the question or my answer far too seriously. I’m going out anyway, the trash was different from what we see today. As you have already indicated, it may have been used as fertilizer or compost. :

2 years ago

The garbage was usually organic. So faeces and food remains composst

2 years ago

In the Middle Ages there were no functioning sewage systems and no laws regulating waste disposal. People just threw their garbage on the streets because there was no other way to get rid of it.

2 years ago
Reply to  UraiFen4444

There were indeed some cities like Frankfurt or Vienna who had a wastewater system. However, this cannot be compared with a sewer.

2 years ago

Because there was no corresponding waste management.

2 years ago
Reply to  ohwehohach

But the Apfal was used as a fertilizer, which is why you had not just tipped onto the street

2 years ago

Why not? What else would they have done?

2 years ago
Reply to  grandy52

Compost Biomüll

2 years ago
Reply to  grandy52

You used garbage as a fertilizer. Urin was also used in the production of leather