Warum habe ich zugenommen?
Hey, ich habe eine ganze Zeit lang 48 kg gewogen (mit 1,66 Größe und 18Jahren), jetzt wo das Praktikum und so wieder los geht und ich mich sehr viel mehr bewege wiege ich plötzlich 1kg mehr, woran kann das liegen? Ich esse jeden tag genau 2000 kalorien, habe also nicht mehr gegessen, müsste ich nicht mein Gewicht halten oder etwas abnehmen wenn ich mich viel mehr bewege? Verstehe das nicht, habe angst das ich noch mehr zunehme
“I eat exactly 2000 calories every day”
No, that’s impossible if you don’t consume the same chemical question every day!
A kilo more/less is a natural fluctuation of tissue water and intestinal content. So normal.
In addition, the body changes several times in the course of life.
What exactly is it that scares you? I haven’t understood that yet?
I frightened that I am no longer on my normal weight, was magical and have very problems with gain, asked me what a kg more,
Look forward to the unexpected increase!
Well, you wouldn’t notice this kilo if you didn’t go to the scale.
This is a normal healthy fluctuation, usually the water balance!
Because she does good to your health.
Actually, I just wanted to write that your weight is okay, but after you were mad or maybe you are still critical.
If you already think about 1 kg, then your thinking is still in the direction of eating disorder.
From the calories, it would actually be completely normal, just from the head not yet.
And the increase is a normal fluctuation range, which could even be 2 kg sometimes.
Don’t let it scare you off and think positively what is good for you and is fun for you.
1 kilo is a normal weight fluctuation. You don’t have to worry about that. You can take a little bit, you’re too little.
Why do you think about 1 kg more? You don’t care about your size.
Your body has probably built up a few muscles through the movement.
It’s just you forget something or you’re wrong.
For example, the information on web pages, such as the amount of calories a dish, is rather rough, because not all recipes on the planet use Identical quantities even if the dishes are the same.
On top of that, many light calories are forgotten which are taken by drinking. At Cola, juice, milk… it makes a difference in the thousands of calorie range.
Do you happen to be more? You drink differently than usual? I think that’s water. Have the same thing as you and also often have fluctuations that irritate me depending on the amount
Muscles are harder than fat. Please make sure you don’t slip into eating disorders.