Warum habe ich so wenig Aufrufe auf YouTube?
Hallo Leute,
Und zwar habe ich schon seit Dezember 2022 einen YouTube-Kanal, wo ich regelmäßig Videos hochlade von Let’s Plays und Tests.
Manchmal mache ich auch Videos mit Freunden, checke aber nicht, wieso die so viele Aufrufe, Likes und Abos bekommen, obwohl sie noch nicht mal Thumbnails benutzen. Ich nutze nämlich welche und habe nach einer Stunde nur 6 Aufrufe und das mit 4KGrafik.
Wie kann ich mehr Abos und Likes bekommen? Gibt es da vielleicht Tipps?
You are too impatient, and 4k or Thumbnails will certainly not make sure more people want to watch your video.
The only thing that matters is your content when it’s good to come the calls.
That’s not true. Not at all. 4K is already important because many users look YT on big smart TVs and HD really doesn’t look good. Thus, the user experience is not good. And especially when playing, the look of the videos is very important. And the thumbnail is one of the most decisive aspects. It determines how many people click on your video. If the preview image is bad, the quality of your video is almost no matter because nobody gets to see it.
Yeah, okay. I know this opinion. Unfortunately, that’s what you write right away.
The content is all the decisive if a video is visited repeatedly.
Then you’ll die and refute the statement. 🙂
The gaming area is oversaturated. Feelings are born every day by Kiddis 1000sende Channels producing the new gaming garbage. And it’s all the same garbage. You know a channel, you know them all. I am hard with my words because behind gaming channels is not really hard work, art is stuck, but more subtle bored pastime.
Just a comparison. Look at you my channel on. And put that in relation to Lets Play or a gaming video. Just ignore if it’s your theme, just try the effort I’m running in relation to gaming. Then you’ll find out why it is.
One of my musen channels blurred 2 years ago with 500 subscribers and 24 video…and then made you a top video with 600,000 views and got 14,000 new subscribers in 4 days and so that’s how it went. Now, after a few years, she has 1.29 million subscribers and, after uploading a new video, gets around 40,000 views after 35 minutes. Why, because their videos now have Netflix quality. But it took….and lasted until she got there.
She had
you have to be better than others
post the funnyest moments on tiktok and insta reels, this is basically free advertising with success guarantee
Searched for Memes on Instagram and uploaded them. But only for 1 really got many calls, for the rest 0 calls.
What about tiktok? Have you ever tried? And vllt on tt go live if you have enough followers for it
You might need to upload more videos and tell all the people you know about your YouTube channel otherwise just make diligent videos
Probably there are too many videos in the area. There is also only a limited number of videos to be viewed by a busy video fan.