Why do I have cartilage on my back?
I've had a cartilage problem on the back of my back (like the marked area) for a while now (quite noticeable). I'd like to know what it could be? Regards.
I've had a cartilage problem on the back of my back (like the marked area) for a while now (quite noticeable). I'd like to know what it could be? Regards.
Wieviele Medikamente kennt ein Arzt üblicherweise auswendig? Ich habe da keine Vorstellung von.
Ich bin jetzt seit längerem erkältet und habe seit ein bis zwei Tagen den Geruch von Erbrochenem in der Nase. Ich habe weder erbrochen sonst noch irgendwas. Manchmal ist der Geruch intensiv dann nichts ich kann er mir nicht erklären was kann das sein?
Ich bin 15 und habe jetzt für einen Monat trainiert. Ist das ein guter Fortschritt? Kann man schon Muskeln erkennen [+++ durch Support editiert; Bild entfernt +++]
Hello, I'm very stressed about this examination because I had sexual intercourse back then. The "scars" aren't particularly deep and will disappear, but I'm afraid that won't happen before the second grade. I'm also scared when they talk about mental health or something like that. I'm pretty bad at lying, and I don't want to…
I have an appointment at the radiology department soon for a chest MRI. They need to scan the soft tissue of the 9th/10th ribs on the left because there's a lump/thickening there that's causing a lot of pain (pain level 10). My GP has asked me what type of referral I need. How exactly should…
If you have complaints on your back and spine and if you have a shoulder or hip slightly higher, scoliosis.
Break on the mandrel extension.
swelling or muscle thickening.
Liver spot.