Why Gyromitra ESCULENTA and not Gyromitra MORTI GIFTULENTA?

Why is the spring poison ivy still called ESCULENTA in Latin, even though it has long been considered deadly poisonous?

Accordingly, it should be called Gyromitra MORTI GIFTULENTA (MORTI = death, deadly; GIFTULENTA = poisonous) and not ESCULENTA = edible!!!!

Why wasn't the mushroom renamed accordingly?

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2 years ago

‘Since you have still no answer, even less a good one, I try in the direction – even though I can’t give you the perfect answer. You have already noticed that mushrooms are regrouped continuously, renamed.

The 2nd part of the name seems to be the more stable element in the name, so that not all of them turn completely. I’m always in front of madness. And hate these constant renamings and no, as ONLY Hobby, I am almost NIE up-to-date.

But you would rightly completely unname the früjahrslorchel. of course, something different than your suggestions- but you know that the mess would simply be COMPLETTER . That’s why NuR is trying everything about the two. to make a WENIG more stable in which at least one leaves DEN.

If we’re in the name_ I have already found the RUBROBOLETUS esculentus itself, a few months after the first description and naming. Was the hammer! If there were none, I would have seen myself almost in duty (-;. And you can google where. I don’t know.

I hope I can still help you with your very good question ETWAS!!!! There’s really not everything logical