Warum greifen Krokodile in der Regel keine Löwen an?
Ich stolper immer wieder darüber, das Krokodile entweder keine Löwen angreifen, oder aber beim versuch scheitern. Dabei dachte ich immer, das wenn ein Krokodil seine Beute einmal “hat” ist die Beute verloren.
Aber in diesen videos sieht man, dass das Krokodil irgendwie ungern einen Löwen angreift. Im gegenteil. Im Zweiten video, fressen sie lieber mit den Löwen als sich mit ihnen anzulegen.
Because lions are quite big and steadfast. On land lions are faster and more maneuverable and if only a very big crocodile has a chance to kill a lion. In the water anyway. The largest Nilkrokodiles can be up to 6 meters long there should even be an almost 7 meter long animal. Such a really big animal could take it with a lion. But it happens that lions are attacked even more in the water. Here a lion is so severely hurt that it will not survive it will starve and thirst. This is nature and sometimes happens. One could argue in this case whether it would be better to redeem the lions here before they died of hunger and thirst after days
Big mistake Lion provoked Lord Swamp! Krokodiljagd lion, fight 1 lion’s curse
Respect for the consuming power of others, of course, it doesn’t make any sense to have the “prey buyer” as an enemy.
This is terrible, but unfortunately nature. There are also Phytons who swallow crocodiles.
What’s terrible about it? What man does is much worse.
Just what we do is nothing else. Sometimes I wonder what people think about how the sausage becomes sausage haha
The crocodile has its mouth and can kill its prey mainly in the water by drowning.
The lions have both the mouth and the pranks they can use in the pack.
The crocodile must always be careful when choosing the prey that it is not hurt by the eye. From this, the vegetarians are the prey rather than strong prey.
The lions are at the hip-horse cadaver, which lies in the water quite unreleased. They’d like to eat, but they can’t get right because too many crocodiles are on the water side. Biting somehow doesn’t work so well and to pull the prey on land, it’s too heavy. Finally, the lions can only look.
“The crocodile must always be careful when choosing the prey that it is not hurt by the eye. From that, the vegetarians are the prey, rather than strong prey.
Say that to the crocodile that teaches an elephant in the trunk, an elephant is more dangerous than a lion xD
Sure. The elephant still has his flock in case of doubt. They also defend their family members. I think these attacks are more or less provided by the crocodile.
You can also find videos where hippos interfere in a crocodile attack and attack the crocodile.