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1 month ago


I think it’s just coincidence. No one can influence whether the egg is fertilized with an X chromosome or a Y chromosome.

Of course, it can also be at one of the theories mentioned, but I cannot make a statement about this.

Love greetings and a beautiful day continue,

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1 month ago

This is probably just a whim of nature, basically that should hold the scales and at some point again resembles each other.

1 month ago

In general, the gender ratio is quite balanced. Differences exist mainly in the age structure. In recent years, there is tending to be a male surplus, but at the age women dominate because they have a higher life expectancy.

The stronger disparity in the global distribution of gender expresses not least the disadvantage of women and the unwanted of girls in a whole range of countries.

1 month ago

Your bill is bullshit.

1. there are more men in many countries than women, 2. are meant by men JEDEN age, i.e. from infant to Greis, so that with the “girls and boys” (i.e. at about the same age) this is rather unrealistic.

1 month ago

And that’s the hook.

1 month ago

Random. It is impossible to achieve an exact balance in a natural way.

1 month ago

Seriously, because the male sperms swim faster than the females. For this, the female sperms survive longer.
But there is a natural balance for it. A boy of 20 is gay.

1 month ago
Reply to  DanielJames

But there are also lesbian women. Maybe it’s less.

1 month ago
Reply to  BerndBauer3

Yes, but many remember that much later and have born children until then.

1 month ago

In principle, the result is still balanced.

I have heard that in China there are 70 million more men than women – as a result of the one-child policy in previous years.

In India it should be similar. There, girls’ babies in the country are systematically killed immediately after birth, to be brought to the brink of poverty by the later marriage of a daughter.

1 month ago
Reply to  JogyJogy

In China, the girls were driven off, especially in the country where a girl then does not care for her own parents at the age, but for her mother-in-law.

1 month ago
Reply to  DanielJames

This was added to infant policy even worse. Personally I look pechblack against China against the demographic background


1 month ago

Previously, more girls have passed through because they are more stable with their XX. If there’s an X error, it’s not that bad, because there’s another one.

Because nowadays there is no longer so strong natural reading, more young come through (105:100 when born)

1 month ago

The sex of the child cannot be actively chosen unless one drives off unwanted fetuses.

So that’s the nature, and not the human being, who do you want to complain about unfairness?

Boys used to have a higher mortality after birth, perhaps because of this mother nature produces more boys to compensate for this.

Deaths tend to affect boys and occur early

Infant mortality is consistently higher in infants of male sex. The proportion of boys affected in 2022 is 56.4%. It does not differ from those observed in recent years, even though this share has already exceeded the 60% mark in 2016. On the side of the dead births, the cases are predominantly male but less pronounced (50.8% in 2022), as observed in most other years.

1 month ago
Reply to  TorDerSchatten

This is not so true.Culture underprivileged women in its own areas.This is not Darwinism but simply oppression.

1 month ago
Reply to  heeyy1234321

But you can’t control what sex is when you get pregnant? What does this have to do with culture and oppression? The witness is the same worldwide. And the male overhang is NOT caused by in vitro fertilization!

1 month ago
Reply to  heeyy1234321

I think if I’ve read this correctly, there are even countries where there are more women than men.

1 month ago

It’s about live births in the question! not about development. And it is actually the fact that more male children are born worldwide. Also in Germany and that by itself without influence! You can’t control the sex in the procreation and in developing countries where most of the population lives, there is no ultrasound to determine the sex of the unborn in utero.

How should a pregnant woman in Bangladesh or Sudan know what gender is born?

You don’t understand what it’s all about and discuss the development after birth or 1 child politics that are long gone! Look at the statistics from Germany, the rate is similar.

1 month ago

Google times “Chinese abortion”

When women in 3. World countries in food distribution always draw the shorter ones, of course, also affects their development

1 month ago


could theoretically also be 45% and 55%…

1 month ago

This is because in some countries girls are undesirable and some help that they are not born so often.

If only evolution had the say, then it would be awkward.

1 month ago
Reply to  Elektroheizer

Depends on the situation. At the beginning of the agricultural revolution there would also be more men with evolution. In modernity more women.Although the natural selection in the fashion race no longer really takes.

1 month ago
Reply to  heeyy1234321

Yeah, that’s right. There are also other factors. For example, life expectancy.

1 month ago

So the bill with the 5 people is wrong.Then there should be a difference of 2.5%.Here come to all 100 girls 101.2 men.Since women have biologically higher life expectations I think it is the patriachal structures in which many women are disadvantaged.

1 month ago

Fucking peace.

They used to heat the countless men in war.

1 month ago
Reply to  Mobwoi

There was not always war everywhere

1 month ago
Reply to  88musslos88

Not everywhere but always somewhere.

And almost every generation once.

World peace has never existed.

1 month ago

I can’t answer that because we don’t decide what sex we’re giving

1 month ago

there are for 100 girls pure theoretical in the equal 105 youngs, which then remain pure hypotetic single.

Math isn’t your strength, is it?

1 month ago

Must read more: This is at birth. Infant mortality
is higher for boys, so the relationship does not remain.

1 month ago

Your question doesn’t fit the picture.

49,7 and 50.3, these are 101.6 men on 100 women.

1 month ago

there are for 100 girls pure theoretical in equal 105 youngs

101.2 boys

1 month ago

Of 1000 people would be 503 men. How do you get to 105:100?