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1 year ago

Smoking, no matter what and what, it is always extremely harmful.

If the tobacco companies were not artificially manipulating the characteristics of the nicotine in the tobacco, that would be achieved by asking.

Nicotine free cigarettes… Herbal cigarettes

Or rather steam instead of smoking. There you always have the choice between with or without nicotine. That really positive when steaming, it doesn’t damage. Apart from the fact that there is no artificial manipulating on e-cigarettes.

The dangerous and harmful in smoking is not the nicotine. It’s the smoke. Even if you smoke without nicotine, the damage would be the same. Nicotine is actually a harmless substance. If its properties are not changed artificially, no dependencies have to be feared.

Therefore, your reputation for cigarettes without nicotine is not sensible. In the herbal cigarettes, you would have asked. They are as harmful as conventional cigarettes.

1 year ago

There are e.g. herbal cigarettes from Realleave

Or there are also vapes without nicotine

Very low demand

1 year ago

Because there is no reason to fill yourself with 1000 carcinogenic substances if you cannot extract at least dopamine replacement. The torment does not taste so good.

1 year ago

Because no one would smoke. Moreover, the smoke would still be harmful to health because there are still plenty of tar in the smoke.

1 year ago

There are herbal cigarettes.