Why are there only 10-20 bird species in cities?
So if I go through it, blackbird, house pigeon, rook, house sparrow, jackdaw, blue tit, great tit, robin, some woodpecker, starlings, magpies and that's it.
If I open a field guide only from Germany, I see over 310 bird species and birds such as:
Bearded Tit
Great Reed Warbler
What happened to all these birds or why are there only a little more than 5% of all birds in my city DEs?
Who is responsible for this biodiversity poverty?
In “Städten” – which is already very common – there are a variety of ecological niches…
What I saw alone in cities:
On the fast already 40 species – you just have to look…
I remembered Dohle and Star from the question…
For example, there are still veils and forest hoods – one in Munich even has a name ;o)
I’ve never seen the majority of them in my life. Do you happen to live in a city next to a nature reserve, or something?
No, what kind of surprises you?
species are also from different cities ;o)
But I have seen most of them in several cities…
And every city park, every church tower, every castle pond houses a variety of bird species…
By the way, I forgot the wall sailer – I almost only know them from cities…
It is also a bit because you face the city as a habitat to all other habitats. In the forest not all bird species live, in the moor not all bird species live, in water not all bird species live, etc.
The species is certainly a problem, but I would worry at least so much about the huge areas with monocultures in the country.
This is due to the fact that in the city, in theory, any habitat in the city could become real, lakes and ponds in gardens, gardens with rich trees as forest, hedges with meadows for steppe species, gravel for sun worshippers, ok, Moore is probably more difficult, but otherwise everything would be theoretically given.
That’s why I wrote a little.
In the cities, many birds find neither food nor nesting places. Most birds live in the forest, in gardens or in other rural corners. You can pay attention if you stay in such a thing. By the way, you’ve chosen a lovely hobby.
It’s not that dramatic again. Cities are as diverse as “the nature” in their own way, and so there are also very different bird species within places where they can settle:
And with all your enthusiasm for the free wild, you should not forget that there is no place in the country where all 310 species could live…
And why not?
Because they all depend on special habitats, with special food, suitable nesting places, etc.
And if a habitat would be so multi-shape that all these special circumstances are present in a narrow habitat, then not?
There are hardly any nesting places for birds and food anyway. Because we’re destroying everything, and we’re afraid.
We kill all the insects, concrete everything, the old big trees will be liked, bushes hardly exist in the city. Where should the animals live?
I was very happy last year when some of the boxes appeared in the settlement. It didn’t take long to complain to any people because they’re making noise in the night. At once there were discussions about how to scare them.
There are people who are already disturbing the singing of an amsel. But the Baularm and the street noise they bear without pussy….
No, you really think they’re being annoyed by ner amsel?
Yeah, people are. They cannot bear the sounds of nature.
Late evening also ; ) lukewarm straight…
I’m also a young person.
I’m also good at following them, but I don’t do too often to irritate them.
yes I even know several… As a rule, young people who do not have any noise, but that is not possible 🙂 There is nothing more beautiful to listen to the song of the amsules in the spring of early morning.
No, I don’t think so many are so bad. Do you seriously know a single one who complained about ne amsel?
They do not find the conditions they need (old tree trunks for carbs, steep walls and prey for eagles, Pirole generally only live in an area in Germany (about the largest excavator lake), not hide enough for bekassine or choke pipe singers)
Pirole do NOT live in an area only – but actually rather not in cities ..
Where else in Germany?
And why not in cities?
Less, is rather a type of lowland = cf. https://www.avi-fauna.info/sperlingsvoegel/pirole/pirol/ -> Dissemination in Germany = “Nin Germany, the Prirol rarely breeds over 300 NN. He therefore has his main focus on the spread in the North German lowlands. A high population density achieves the species among other things in the Wendland and the Uckermark.”
Where are you from?
The size of a city garden is rather rare, probably. However, I hardly know any auforests that are so large that there are in DE? Probably only in southern Germany.
There’s something like that, yes. Galeriewald…
The pirol needs a certain area size – https://artenschutz.naturschutzinformation.nrw.de/artenschutz/en/arten/group/voegel/kartierMethoden/103054 = “Singing sterol on average 25 ha“
Isn’t every trench with alder, poplars or pastures an Auwald/Filwald? For then, one would be right next to me, with very high poplars, at the 30m, in the middle of the garden. Of them, by the way, I have most bird watching.
What you have there is a “directed sample” – which also well confirms what I said = comes hardly in cities…
Therefore, however, it is just NO garden bird, something had to be more general, e.g. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirol#Dangerment situation_and_Constance = European breeding stock is estimated at 3.4 to 7.1 million breeding pairs.
…not just threatened by extinction …
… Loriot würds are happy;o)
Sorry after the map https://www.nabu.de/tiere-und-plant/action-und-projekte/hour-der-gartenvoegel/result/15767.html I went through after the pirol. It may be that he has been seen elsewhere, but it does not seem to be very often. Besides, people who have a holiday home there have told me that there are many.
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirol#Lebensraum = Auwald is located in relatively few cities…
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirol#Proliferation area = do we talk about the same poultry?