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so there should be idR and I am not aware that there is this.
I haven’t noticed yet. Here is a hate right vs. left.
Somehow, it doesn’t make sense for me to “have” someone just because he’s deaf.
Maybe it was just a misunderstanding, and it was about something other than deafness.
Why is there righteous hatred in this forum against certain users and disabilities such as deafness?
You can find stupid, superficial people with low educational levels everywhere.
Just don’t take it that heart when someone comes to you stupid.
Insulting or discriminating contributions or comments you should always be MELDEN.
I wouldn’t call hate. I find only one user very mysterious with his unspeakable questions about Tavor, his reports about himself. Instead of following medical advice, he specifically asks users here, feeling that he wants to get the right answers to feel confirmed. But that’s why you shouldn’t go to such a forum.I’m sorry for some users! In case of serious illnesses – (name this as an example, because I want to know how long does the addict report here?! If he wants to make himself interesting, why does he ask HERE these questions..) Looking for me is serious illness that you should absolutely manage, under certain circumstances you only save your own life – always only ask a doctor, introduce yourself to the clinic, I really wonder here but don’t do a user here.I can make him ignoring, just for me, I don’t need any stupid feelings like hate, hate is an insane, foolish feeling for me!
I can’t confirm that someone is hated here because of his physical impairments. Hass is a very strong emotion and this forum is far too anonymous to develop something like that.
I myself know some people affected, many with hearing problems, and I’m fine with them.
I’ve never experienced anyone being hated here for ‘aboveness’.
And someone who gets a lot of headwind here usually has somehow brought about it. For example, by having countless accounts, is indescribable, people are always annoying with the same questions, etc.
It can also be DURCHAUS that the questions about deafness are already the 120. Once put, without the user institutions, the responses make themselves heartfelt, which are already…
There is no hatred against certain users due to their disability, the problem are users who are constantly creating new accounts and are constantly playing victims or think they are the biggest and therefore fairy tales to get attention
Where? A few concrete examples would be helpful!!!
Take the 304 profiles that the user had already
Over 400!
Thank you!
I’m not noticed yet. What do you mean? Apparently, you should be able to show several examples.
You can also report this to GF. :
You seem to imagine
There isn’t. By the way, you are on the question page and not on the forum of GF.
Why would you hate a disabled person because of his disability? Doesn’t make sense. Especially since numb be here in an online forum would really be no problem.