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Dieser blaue Kreis was bedeutet der?
I wouldn’t say more and more now. But in fact, we just have a reasonably high Qoute.
The problem is just the way we deal with this state. Because while on the one hand many people don’t have a job, on the other many employers don’t have people that they can also use for their business.
20 years ago, a certain Gerhard had a brilliant idea. In which he took away the unemployed everything they possessed, including their dignity, he wanted to work them necessary. What he did was to create a army of cheap, unqualified arbetic forces, and some arbetic places on top that were needed to manage the others. In the end, a straw fire as well as the many state support from Holzmann via VW to German bank.
The key is that we need to requalify more people. But that is definitely not what we should leave to the state. not alone. too unflexibel and often just past the finish.
Here the economy is in demand. Dear employers, instead of complaining that you don’t find anyone who is able to glue a wallpaper straight to the wall, bake a souflet or jam a cross-change circuit, it just helps them!
Because there are companies like VW…
The unemployment rate has been around constant since 2016 by 6 percent
Thank you.
Among other things because of the partly wrong policy.
Thank you.
Because it’s worth more today
You can owe it to politics
Ask VW!
Thank you.