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Because the flushing principle is different from the conventional toilet by means of “high pressure”.
Other problem, restricted space.
Due to the high-pressure cleaning system unnecessary. Apart from vandalism etc.
Maybe because in record time they are simply full of shit or look crappy.
Because it is not necessary thanks to high-pressure cleaning and in addition they would be stolen so quickly that you would not be able to use the replacement
Klauen a toilet from a public toilet??? Is there people who are not afraid of anything??
Sure, you don’t believe what the people all claws and especially WO them claws where I was 2 weeks in the herzreha were stolen 26 blood pressure meters, pens, shoes, cultural bags, etc.
And if there’s only drunken young people who do bullshit… Moving parts have disappeared quickly.
Unfortunately, I can’t confirm that. Sure, high pressure is right. But how many times I saw Klos, where the crap was still stuck on the aluminum… And I had it myself. Only way to get rid of it with toilet paper. Finally, I’m well educated and leave the toilet as I entered it. =D
There had to be at least one, but then it was changed after we complained about it, just as these unagable paper towels 🙈
I make this economical and ecological and never use garbage bags. Biowaste comes to my compost and spooned yoghurt and quark cups I’ll let you dry before I throw them into the ton. It never smells unpleasant because nothing wet or fat comes in.
This is also normal, at the last time at work, the employees also stole the bags from the garbage buckets, the garbage bucket was simply packed into the bucket
Somewhere I read that teachers stole toilet paper from the school toilet. I remember that as a reliable source. Is actually unprofitable to steal such cheap stuff if you deserve enough and there is the danger of discovery at the top. But the toilet paper is clean in front of the claw, the brush i.d.R. is not and I find it very creepy. I’d just touch such a thing with rubber gloves anyway. I guess the handle’s dirty too.
Because they wouldn’t be there long. They would be stolen, stuffed in the toilet and the stem would be broken off or otherwise abused.
Even at the Reichsbahn there were no such things.
Because the toilets are just for pissing.
Well, I don’t want to see your shit from others.