Warum gibt es extremen Mitarbeitermangel und soo viele Bürgergeldempfänger?
Kann mir jemand das Geheimnis verraten ? Wie machen das Frankreich oder die USA. In NY gibt es über 90.000 Wohnungslose und auch extremen Mitarbeitermangel …
Kann mir jemand das Geheimnis verraten ? Wie machen das Frankreich oder die USA. In NY gibt es über 90.000 Wohnungslose und auch extremen Mitarbeitermangel …
Hallo ich habe am 24.12 einen bürgergeld antrag gestellt ich wurde vorhin angerufen und ein erstgespräch für den 09.01 wurde vereinbart. Nun meine Frage bekomme ich bei Bewilligung nur für den Monat Januar Geld gezahlt oder auch für Dezember rückwirkend?
Hallo, wenn man den Weiterbewilligungsantrag vom Bürgeld nicht einreicht, weil man das Bürgergeld dann nicht mehr benötigt, ist man dann auch automatisch beim Amt abgemeldet? LG
Hi viele der halbwegs guten Wohnungen wollen kein Jobcenter daher hat mein Vater mir angeboten sich als zweit Mieter einzutragen und die Miete erstmal zu übernehmen ich beziehe derzeit Bürgergeld, die Wohnung ist im Rahmen vom Jobcenter. Wie sieht das aus wenn ich jetzt einziehe könnte ich die dann trotzdem übernehmen lassen oder was für…
Hallo, ich kann zurzeit aus gesundheitlichen Gründen (reine Vorsichtsmaßnahme) in den nächsten fünf Monaten möglicherweise nicht zu Masseurinnen und anderen Dientleisterinnen gehen, tendenziell lasse ich noch einen zusätzlichen zeitlichen Sicherheitspuffer. Körperliche Nähe war vorher schon Mangelware, aber ca. einmal im Monat hatte ich dafür bezahlt. Mein letztes Mal, als ich körerliche Nähe von einer Frau…
beispielsweise beim Arzt oder so
In Germany there is allegedly a lack of skilled workers.
Total nonsense!
From my own experience (3 trainings, trainer’s certificate) I note that it is not lacking in skilled workers, but rather to employers who want to reward skilled workers. Instead of resorting to years of experience and training new professionals, these vultures are waiting for foreign specialists to be enrolled and to work smilingly for the minimum wage.
We, who are born here and can really afford something, see and live from the citizen’s money. Or we’ll get job offers, which one would have turned to the guest workers earlier.
I would never choose them, but the increasing power of the AfD is not by chance…
Total nonsense!
Right. It’s nonsense that it’s nonsense.
You obviously don’t have a plan on what’s behind it.
(a) Applicants rarely have the necessary and required qualifications and do not want to work. And then, as just learned strength, the salary of a master or senior employee. NOT working.
And the more important point
(b) Not the employers pay the wage, but the customers! And they are no longer ready to pay the rising wage costs in product/service prices for a long time.
WOHER is supposed to get the money for better payment if not from the customers? Should the company pay wages and salaries that it can no longer bring in through the sales?
What happens to employees if wages/pickles can no longer be passed on to customers in prices? -> No work and dismissal!
So much for the name “Geier”. SMEs are “leaders” because they often bring their own money to survive their businesses at all!
There is only a few branches of personnel shortage. In nursing and in crafts, for example, not everyone can. The public money is also attractive.
Because only a proportionately small proportion of citizens’ money is available to the labour market.
The core question is now… which people are referring to citizens’ money at all….
The deadline 1. August 2023 received about 5.5 million citizens’ money,
about 1.5 million of them were not eligible children under 15 years of age. Around 20 percent of the remaining 4 million eligible beneficiaries are active. Around 40 percent of the eligible beneficiaries were available to the labour market. The remaining 40 per cent of the eligible beneficiaries were not available to the labour market or only to a limited extent, for example in training or in training. Studies were, children were educated, relatives were cultivated or were incapable of work in the short term.
Compared to the 1.6 million citizens’ money recipients, only 0.86 percent of “total refuseners” of work or training are therefore available.
These people have a number of so-called “intermediary barriers” which are statistically recorded: no vocational qualification, older than 55 years, long-term unemployment, severe disability. Around 235,000 people do not have any of these statistically recorded restrictions, but possibly others.
Well and unemployed people without a corresponding qualification can not catch up with the need for skilled workers.
In addition to the 1.7 million eligible citizens’ allowances, there are also nearly 956,000 ALG I recipients.
To face it…
In July 2024, a total of 703.119 vacancies1 were reported in Germany.
So where are all the open unoccupied jobs?
I add: 0.86 percent of the “1.7 million working people who could currently work” are in figures 14620 “total refuseners” which make themselves a lazy licens at state costs.
Those who look at this number and have in mind that more than 45 million working people live in Germany, realize how much the media like the BLÖD and politicians lead us to baldness!
Jaha, these 14620 Honks can be impressed by “sharpening sanctions” and then go brav-created bosoms….
What is the fact:
In my authority, currently at December 2022, 143000 employees (employees and civil servants) work nationwide. By the end of 2023, 35% of them go to retirement… that’s about 50000 jobs that would be reoccupied in the next 5 years! And we’re talking about professional staff.
Yes, we also take “suitable cross-comers” and the merit of the 3K brutto mtl (after the trial period) is not even so bad. Nevertheless, we do not find sufficiently suitable candidates.
Not even all doctrines and dual study places have been awarded this year….whether there will be (suitable) followers…who knows.
The fact is that experienced professionals in ALL professions over age and you have massively underestimated how strong the burglary will be when the baby boomers go to retirement and the pill bend of the 60s becomes noticeable in the labour market. Many of today’s jobs require more than one main school visit without school leaving…this is usually not a learning activity.
After the industry has been massively modernized by robotics and AI (closing tape assembly without robots was yesterday), the administration professions and also parts of the services are now followed.
The “identification card with eID function” makes it possible, for example, that you can identify yourself online and do a lot digitally, which was a form war earlier. Whether the tax with Elster or the request for this or that social benefit with the eID identity card…all this runs berits digital or is in the transition process.
Files are increasingly digitized…the Bundesanstalt für Arbeit has moved through this as a pioneer in 2013, the processing has long been completely paperless with “electronic file”. With us in Bavaria, the judiciary has introduced the “E-Acts” by train and digitizes the “Alts” by push.
The medical system follows the…the electronic patient file has already been implemented in many doctors (my pediatrician, e.g.), medical prescriptions and recipes are running digitally. I applied for my cure digitally… only the approval and the “revocation” by the clinic are still done by mail.
A small town in the wider area has opened a 24-hour shop in the town centre. This is still a container store…you go in, the technology (cameras) registers you when entering, notices what you take from the shelves and it is automatically removed (!) when you leave the purchase area. There are also some vending machines for beverages or also the “mystery boxes” of which so much is spoken. It also has one of the DHL packing stations and a pick-up station from Amazon…all fully automated. It only needs very little staff, which regularly equips the shelves, controls everything and keeps them clean.
It is thought of as a pilot project of the municipality…after also the last small shops have tightened and one could buy “fresh rolls” only in the supermarket 40 km away. It is already very well accepted… if the shutdown station is rebuilt, then this “automated shopping center” is to be clean and the (provisional) container of the pilot project disappears (maybe placed in an interested other common).
This is called “Dorfbelebung 2.0″…
I don’t know. We were ready to attend a school intern and ggbfs. later to allow a training (qualifiers) because we simply do not find people. And we pay really well! Unfortunately, the young man with a migration background did not manage to appear regularly with us or at school.
Because most people don’t have a bock at work and unemployed are often under-qualified. Since, for the most part today, many are unwilling to learn and do not want to try, these people have no chance of finding a good job. Many think that work is not worth it because Hartz 4 is better paid than 40h a week to work dead
These are some things that interlock! In part, I have to give the Electrican the right
Uncategorized: there is no affordable living space
Unemployed: there are not enough jobs for them Qualification levelthe jobs are not in their Nearthe jobs are paid undergroundthe “free” jobs are not really free, Employers do not hire anyone who was unemployed for more than a year, the unemployed have Health problems that ignores the office…
There are more reasons, but they’re going to be rich.
warehouse 14
There’s one just canceling the payment if you don’t have a bock, that’s easy.
Because it is not paid to go to work, because the citizen’s money is too high
Completely next!
These are the jobs offered for which you have to be treated by top earners like a farm dog.