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1 year ago

If you don’t have a bank account today, you can’t rent an apartment, don’t use electricity or gas, you can’t get an internet access or a mobile phone contract and don’t do anything else because everything goes cashless. Without a bank account, you are practically excluded from life.

That is why there must be Benkens who also give such people the opportunity to participate in life that may not have paid an invoice once.

I find the Schufa as marginal as regards the legal situation. It often happens that people are wrongly classified as not creditworthy.

Imagine a student lives in a WG and it always happens that letter mail disappears from the mailbox. She doesn’t get any bill and doesn’t even know she’s got debt. The warning disappears as well. Then comes the courtmate and the entry at the Schufa.

The study is finished, she has a doctorate and wants to make herself independent, but she can’t do that because her bank doesn’t want to give a loan. And that’s just because she didn’t get bills. — The Schufa has already destroyed many lives by its slanderous desire to protect capitalists.

1 year ago

Thanks for the praise!

1 year ago

Because it is not necessarily necessary for pure credit management.

The Schufa incoming says how creditworthy you are or with which risk loans are not paid back (more or less accurate).

If you don’t want to lend money to someone, the info is not necessary.

1 year ago

You probably mean without a Schufa trip? If an account is set up that you don’t get a dispo, so you can only have credits on the account, there is no risk for the bank.

1 year ago

All banks are connected to the Schufasystem and you will also be reported to the Schufa with your account. If this is a pure credit-based base account, then the little entrepreneurial risk and can also set up the account with negative Schufa statement.

1 year ago

1 year ago
Reply to  einandereruser

What are you gonna tell me about this advertising link now? I don’t need that shit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rheinflip

There are also banks that do not work with the Schufa and do not query or report a current account (e.g. Bunq, Revolut or Tomorrow) and also those who work with the Schufa but do not report the current account as such (e.g. Klarna bank account)

“All” is not quite right.