Warum gibt es an Tankstellen und Autobahnraststätten nur ungesunde Lebensmittel?
An Tankstellen und (deutschen) Autobahnraststätten, z. B. Serways, gibt es kein frisches Obst und Gemüse, stattdessen nur ungesunde Lebensmittel wie Schokolade, Lutscher und Kartoffelchips. Wenn man Glück hat, gibt es auch einige herzhafte Speisen zum “Hier essen”, z. B. Suppen.
Aber wirklich frisches und Gemüse gibt es dort nicht. Aber warum ist das eigentlich so?
Because it is cheap and has a relatively large profit margin. Unfortunately, there are still enough people who ask or consume exactly that.
The problem also exists not only at rest sites and gas stations. Also in the zoo, cinema, city festivals etc. it looks very similar.
Where you’re right, you’re right. Most Germans donate unhealthy. For this reason, only unhealthy foods are sold at motorway sites, gas stations, cinemas, etc.
There are also exceptions that offer fruits, small salads etc, but most unfortunately do not have alternatives to sweet. But, of course, they also know that the customers often access these products and that they can still pay for it properly.
The main business is somewhere else. And there are enough people who buy such empty calories. For a longer ride, I always pack myself something – otherwise I am completely banana after;-)
as well, they buy at the wholesale market or are supplied.
that will get at home during the season from the garden
Because gas stations are neither bistros nor supermarkets!
They know very exactly what customers – so by the way – buy, therefore they offer it, and the extremely overpriced…
Many customers still buy something “on the last pusher” – the alcohol, the knabberzeugs, the flowers for mother’s day or birthday, or sweet stuff…
All that you forget about “normal” shopping…;)
Thanks for your help
You are welcome…;)
Tastes delicious. In addition, I don’t care what the most corrupt society calls “healthy”. I’m healthy and eat what I want. I usually get two burgers at rest places so I don’t get hungry. In addition, in the time when my e-car invites, I can enjoy eating and don’t have to wait for minutes for freshly cooked food.
Because the majority of the world just eat unhealthy things, and as gas stations have usually opened 24h, you can only get junkfood there at any time.
It’s selling what’s in demand. Just what customers want.
And in a car ride, you liked to buy at the gas station, which doesn’t make the car dirty from inside.
Because a chocolate bar is stable for 8 months and a banana is only 2 days.
For a fruit stand, an employee should regularly make visual checks, sort out spoiled goods and poison fruit flies.
Because a gas station is not a supermarket.
Probably, health standards for selling these things are higher than those offered there.
Because healthy, fresh foods are more complicated in storage, shopping in processing, etc.
Finishers can tip into a pot and make hot and put 1,000 cans in the warehouse, you don’t even need to cool…