warum geht pyur fritzbox 6660 nicht?
Hallo, mein Vertrag bei pyur beginnt heute und ich hab die fritzbox angeschlossen so wie es richtig ist.. doch nur das wlan feld leuchtet und das power/cable feld blinkt. wlan wird mir angezeigt aber da steht es ist nicht mit dem Internet verbunden? Und wenn ich bei pyur in der app nachfrage, wollen die mir einen Techniker vorbei schicken. aber ich würde erstmal selbst schauen ob ich das problem regeln kann
If you have received from pyur access data by post, you must enter it in the Fritzbox
Try directly at the Pyur Box, with a computer whether you come to the internet.
There is also a user manual and access data that you should enter…
I already tried
Maybe the connection is not yet unlocked…
Then you need a technician…
No access data is required for Pyur glass fiber.
But you have to hire something…
If, for example, Telekom was in it before, or if completely new, you have to adjust what the user manual says…
It shouldn’t flash.
If you connect with the Wi-Fi of a FritzBox, the message will show you “Connected, no Internet” that this FritzBox has no internet connection yet.
Don’t let this message irritate you, that’s quite normal at first. Simply continue according to instructions for the setup. Yes, the browser for the configuration of the FritzBox also works “without Internet”, because the configuration page of the FritzBox is not on the Internet, but in the FritzBox itself.
Very important: What did you even do for a contract?
It is
Read your contract.
These are connected differently. Here are both instructions:
Glass fiber connection with the FritzBox 6660:
https://avm.de/service/wissensdatenbank/dok/FRITZ-Box-6660-Cable/1167_FRITZ-Box-am-Glass fibre connection setup/
Multimedia TV-Dose with the FritzBox 6660 goes like this:
https://avm.de/service/knowledge database/dok/FRITZ-Box-6660-Cable/3263_FRITZ-Box-am-PYUR cable connection setup/
Good luck!
then the line will not be switched
just wait till 12 o’clock
Pyur is a glass fiber provider what you want with Fritzbox 6660
that is not designed for the connection.
You need the Fritzbox 7590 AX or the successor Model FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro
that is the box they sent to me
or by email a.schaarschmidt.berater@pyur.com
Contact Axel Schaarschmidt 08999720123 via WhatsApp
Bullshit! They can do both. Read yourself:
also nonsense, the 6660 can also glass fiber via external glass fiber modem via LAN1 port.
Good luck!
Another provider they also provide is Tele Columbus AG.
This is on the website but this is Pepcom.
Pyur only makes glass fiber.
You have no idea
There are also coaxial cables for fiberglass
Video of Pyur
Shortly explained. Fiberglass and end devices. – YouTube
What is this further confusion with “Tele Columbus”?
Your original statement was just wrong, finished!
I don’t care! Help the questioner and not me.
What is this confusion with “Pepcom”.
Look at the question, and do not involve more companies and statements here, the questioner does not at all.
Ask the questioner what (glass fiber or DOCSIS) he actually did.
How is the box connected to the outside? Do you have the right cable can?
yes, with the coaxial cable at the multimedia box