Warum geht es mir so dreckig?
Ich habe heute sehr stark meine Periode bekommen, normalerweise sind sie bei mir am ersten Tag noch ganz schwach. Muss aber dazu sagen das ich Anfang des Monats auch eine leichte Schmierblutung hatte, nach dem ich eine Woche zuvor meine Periode hatte. Ich weiß nicht ob es damit zusammenhängt.
Mir ist dieses mal irgendwie schlecht, hab leichte Unterleibschmerzen und bin gereizt. Eigentlich bei mir während der Periode untypisch.
Meint ihr das ist normal oder kennt das eine Frau von euch auch?
Ich wüsste jetzt leider auch nicht was man dagegen tun könnte :/
Danke schon mal im voraus
Hey, that’s all normal. You don’t have to worry. Your body is not a machine and so the period is individual every time. This time it’s stronger. If you’re still in puberty, and the period doesn’t last long, it’s time to adjust. In pain heat helps very well. All right.
I’m not in puberty anymore, I’m almost 24. Is that normal?
Yes. As said, the body is not a machine, but very sensitive in equilibrium. Two days of stress sufficient to shift the period zb
Okay thank you for your answer then I am calmed
That’s normal. Try a warmer bottle or alternatively with a warm cloth to get your abdominal pain away. Feelings are also normal. That means you’re just vulnerable. Don’t get into a fight. Enjoy the day as good as it is.
The pain is barely noticeable, I am annoying more of this nausea
The period is associated with many women with regular pain. These include not only underlying pain: discomfort, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea or depressive detuning can also occur. Some complaints appear immediately before the period, which fall under the term ‘premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Other symptoms often persist during the period, including nausea.
It’s different every month and it’s not embarrassing at all. All right.. drink a tea
Okay, thanks for your answer then I’m a little calmed. I had a little thought about it because I had a lubrication bleeding two weeks ago and no that is definitely not due to puberty since I am already around 20