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According to the Federal Statistical Office, the number of new registrations of passenger cars increased by 37.8% from January to October 2022.
At least in Germany, it looks as though the approvals of e-cars are increasing. Now new registrations are not equal sales. But as sales will be 2023, it is difficult to predict anyway, especially before the year is over.
Who reports exactly what, and when are the reports. Is it about burdensome statistics, or rather about suspects, or is it even statements from representatives of the automotive industry who want to animate politics to continue paying them some subsidies?
Reduction of the subsidies and the Danes are no longer so behind the used e-cars from DE as before not too long.
There are still no affordable cars and used by the older ones when there are, people prefer to leave their fingers. Not everyone can load at home.
This is mainly due to commercial e-cars whose promotion has been terminated. Thus companies were able to purchase e-cars quite cheaply.
There is no such decline in the private sector.
It is not so that no more will be bought. Percentage is that. Saturation in the private sector is recorded and industrial demand is no longer as strong. You don’t buy such a bad car every year. Many have taken along the promotion that is no longer so high.
Because those for whom the concept of the E car is even practical already have one.
The market is saturated.
And promotions are running out.
The vehicles are still too expensive, the promotion goes back or is completely abolished and the necessary infrastructure is simply not available for a long time. Apart from that, more and more people realize that this whole e-car hype only means moving environmental damage to other countries, and that it is as good as nothing worldwide. Besides strengthening the Asian economy, of course.
Don’t do it, it’s the usual up and down.
Don’t go.
In the last 10 months alone, approx. 424.600 e-cars registered (~42.460 mtl), in all 2022 they were around 470.600 (~ 39.216 mtl).
Believe only the statistics you falsify yourself.
The Federal Agency for Motor Vehicles falsifies the registration numbers? I’d be new.
Green in the sense of ecological nature and otherwise there is no. The fact that the greens were allowed to talk at all made them rather left with alliance 90. This is no longer mentioned. It’s more like getting into the neutral corner. It doesn’t keep us moving. I think my composth baptism is a green one that is ready for burial.
What does “green” refer to if not to the political orientation?
What political views do you recognize? Any question can only be solved by two directions. Political or sexual. The 15 million e cars are the political objective of the incapable government. Again political? Sexually it’s not.
I don’t care about your political views.
The Green Contraproductive Objectives: For 15 million batterielectric vehicles (BEV) by 2030, it would require 5000 new registrations per day. We don’t have to fight about 1000 more or less.
How do you know what’s “wanted”? I’m referring to the claim that the admissions went back, that doesn’t give the numbers.
No matter, the desired growths stay out.
because there are still no paid cars and VW and co prefer to throw an ID8 on the market before finally a model for the mass comes
The combustor market shows that mainly the large SUVs show increases and cars are admitted much in the high price segment. For the money, you would also get electric cars. People often have more or less justified fears. Each car is affordable, you only need the money or can hope for one of the private leasing accompaniments. If I see how many thousand€ a used tube with a high risk is procuring and if an electric car could be leased for many years, I do not believe the cost argument. Prefered argument to not change.
Electricity prices, new car prices, still bad charging infrastructure
The year’s not over yet. In 2022, a total of 470,600 fully electric cars were admitted, in the first 10 months of 2023 there were 424,600. In linear calculation, the 2022 value would be beaten.
technology unripe, price too high, electricity too expensive
Electricity too expensive?
As cheap as with a streamer does not drive a burner
You have to load the car on the highway. There is nix for 0.40 cents.
They’re the same on the highway. There’s only one provider, at least one tank. If you just go around the church tower, you can refuel at home. But what if you drive to Italy?
I never refuel at the highway and if I have an e-car I don’t charge it at the highway.
But yes if you find the most expensive price
because they are just too expensive and the charging possibilities are not really good
Inflation is falling sharply.
So? A falling inflation rate still means rising prices….
Our Minister of Economic Affairs
That is not what many people understand, which combine falling inflation with falling prices.