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2 years ago

I have Klarna, paypal, applepay and everything is rejected.

They’re all crutches.

Get a credit card or debit card from Mastercard or Visa (it also appears as a virtual card), so you can pay online almost anywhere.

2 years ago

You can contact the companies that want to include the payment, e.g. the E-Scooter rental. Call it and don’t say that. They’ll tell you why it’s not possible.

2 years ago

The bank has nothing to do with this, which would be contact for online banking or if the bank account were blocked.

First contact here is the support of each individual service you want to use.

However, you can also talk to the bank if there is anything on the account side.


2 years ago

With my bank or with every single provider paypal, Klarna and co.

With each individual provider, your bank has nothing to do with it.

And of course I assume that you are full-year.

2 years ago
Reply to  dxshx

Unlikely, the payment service providers don’t know, but you can ask your bank

2 years ago

Maybe you should just leave all these payment service providers to the left and get a credit card.