Warum furze ich so oft?

Seid ein paar Tagen ernähre ich mich ausschließlich sehr gesund, um meine Akne endlich loszuwerden. Doch seid dieser Zeit bekomme ich viel mehr Blähungen als sonst, ist das normal, wenn man seine Ernährung so umstellt?

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1 year ago

Conversions often require a kind of “conciliation phase”. Some things are also worse than others.

For example, I notice very clearly when I eat more protein than otherwise 😅

1 year ago

As has been said, the body has to get used to a diet. It also depends on what you are now, for example, if you are a lot of ballasts or legumes and dairy products, that can be good:) but as long as it doesn’t bother you and you don’t have any pain, that should not be a problem, the body thinks it’s getting used to again quickly:)

1 year ago

Yes, that can come from the diet.

Your stomach and intestine need a few days to reconcile.

A lot of protein can also lead to more and more smelling bloatings.