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1 month ago

Missing life experience combined with puberty and the “something own” to have or do.

A skilled manipulator will tell someone exactly what this person wants to hear. Someone who lacks the experience with such things will not be able to recognize it. And the overwhelming emotions in this life phase do their rest.

Especially since the perpetrators are also looking out for those who are very sensitive to such matters. And then these are less the teenagers who live in a good environment and are mentally stable. Rather, the problems and metal instability.

1 month ago

Because media competence is not sufficiently developed, the overview of possible consequences is lacking and it is easy to influence or impress.

1 month ago

I’m sure there are many reasons.

-Young girls don’t have so much experience yet

At the age, the interest in sexuality begins, and if there is an adult man with whom they can talk and write about it, that is naturally exciting and exciting.

The interest of an older man in them can be exciting and exciting.

There are also girls who would like to try something sexual with an adult if the opportunity is available.

Of course, this is the danger that the man makes more than the girl actually wants so there is always caution.

1 month ago

You actually have to ask the young teenagers who can’t explain this.

Young people are often still trusting and contacting. If they are at the same time enjoying experimentation, they are more likely to be an adventure whose dangers and effects they cannot assess.

Victims are also young people who have a limited sense of self-esteem and who respond positively to sensitive words, perhaps also because they get to hear the at home too rarely.

If the parents’ house does not talk about feelings, sexuality and also the dangers of the network, there is another susceptibility to perpetrators who understand it very well to give a half child the feeling of being taken full.

1 month ago

Because they have much more trust in what is said/written and do not really think of bad things.

1 month ago

I think it is, among other things, that they are very curious, open and inexperienced.

1 month ago

Because the danger of the Internet, especially at age, cannot be estimated.

1 month ago

I honestly don’t understand.Because I’ve never done that before.