Warum funktionieren manche Internetseiten nicht?
Seit kurzem funktionieren manche Internetseiten (z.B. x.com) bei mir nicht mehr. Egal von welchem Gerät, andere wiederum ohne Probleme. Wenn ich den Router neu starte funktionieren alle Seiten wieder, nach einer kurzen Zeit stehe ich aber wieder vor der gleichen Situation. Woran könnte das liegen und wie löst man das Problem?
Maybe your internet provider’s DNS server also has a DNS message. It then notices and many customers of the Internet provider then have these problems.
Here among all disturbances, PYUR currently has a problem (from 8:00 today):
Good luck!
On the DNS server in your router, which obviously no longer responds within your local network after some time.
Specify a DNS server that is freely available on the Internet to the terminals in the network settings.
For example, there would be the DNS servers of Google ( and 8.8.8) or the DNS servers of Cloudflare ( and
Whether you’re pretending this in your router’s DHCP settings or storing it on a device as a test, it doesn’t matter. If the behavior no longer occurs, this should be a clear sign that your router’s DNS server is the problem.
Thank you, but why does that affect some pages? YouTube and gutfrage.de is easily accessible.
A DNS server is like a phone book. The DNS translates words into the actual IP addresses to address the IP address ( in words (e.g. x.com). This phone book should know all websites and servers in the world, even if this web server changes the IP address, the DNS with x.com will be able to determine the current correct IP address ( It’s not only 1 DNS server, but a whole chain of servers, all of which are hopefully complete and correct.
If the DNS server (system network) is old (invalid, incorrect entries), the IP address will be incorrect, or will not be found at all.
Thus, for example, websites are switched off or censored (released from the “telephone book”). Of course there are also incorrect or manipulated entries. Also on your operating system there are parts of this DNS server (PC notices these IP addresses in the DNS cache), this can then be wrong with time. There are many ways to change these DNS entries (virus, hacker taps, censorship, …) or delete them. And nobody is perfect, so there can be erroneous entries.
Because to empty DNS cache in the operating system (the router or PC or…) could help.
Good luck!
That your DNA might block this.