Warum führt zu viel Bier zu massiven Verdauungsproblemen?

Da ein Entzug nicht so einfach möglich ist, ist meine Frage, ob es was bringt, Tabletten zu nehmen gegen Durchfall ?

Er kommt über den Tag verteilt immer auf 3l – 3,5l. Er trinkt die aber über mehrere Stunden verteilt. Dennoch hat er ständig Probleme mit Magen – Darm und der Verdauung.

Ich habe davon gehört dass er das schon paar mal genommen hat, langfristig gebracht hat es jedenfalls nicht.

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6 months ago

(Auch) Beer is a toxic substance (Nervengift) because of the alcohol present.
Alcohol can trigger colon cancer.

An intestinal mirror and an assessment of the intestinal flora could help.

It will probably be more pleasant to continue to baptize.

6 months ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

Thx for * (2.491)

6 months ago

The withdrawal of alcoholic beer is very possible.
But I recommend to let the doctor find out where these gastric complaints come from. It may be another disease.

The deprived must be ready for withdrawal. Otherwise it won’t work. But I think it would be appropriate to dispense completely with alcohol.

6 months ago

At 33.5 liters of beer a day, your friend has quite different problems than diarrhea and digestive difficulties. And they’ll get worse.

6 months ago
Reply to  maxundmogli

My uncle’s exactly the same scenario. Even since I think can always be good with drinking, but otherwise always “potit” and professionally very successful (own company).

At 62 his wife got divorced and his system collapsed. He has always been spattered, has abandoned his shop and once again a year later he was dement and is “modered” in an old home. That was very bitter for my cousin, whose children will not have a wonderful grandfather. (He was always one of my favorite uncles when I was small.)

6 months ago

He always comes over the day distributed over 3l – 3.5l. He’s drinking them for several hours. However, he has constant problems with stomach intestine and digestion.

No, not “though” – but “think”.

Anyone who flushes 10 beers (and more) daily is definitely alcoholic.

Would strongly recommend starting a withdrawal!

(then the intestinal problems will probably have settled…)

6 months ago

Yes. It is possible to stop as the exit from each search is possible. The sooner you start the better.

6 months ago

You have to treat the cause, not the symptoms.

So: make withdrawal, lean and support digestion through appropriate diet.

6 months ago

How many more? either you trade or you leave it and your father alone, it doesn’t make any sense to post the same.