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Because after winter you are used to cold temperatures and 10°C you feel warmer than after summer.
Probably because in spring one is still used to the cold of winter and every degree is more pleasant….
and in autumn one is still used to the heat of the summer, since every degree is less unpleasant.
This is because in March, when it has 13 degrees, the sun often shines, while in September it rains at the same temperature.
In the spring we come from a cold, dark winter – you look forward to temperatures above 10°
In autumn we come from a warm summer with long days and short nights and there are 15° and later sunrise/early sunset just another feeling.
It is more pleasant from cold to warm than from warm to cold.
Because you come from the winter during the spring and from the summer during the autumn.
Because it was cold before
Go directly from the sauna to a 25°C water basin.
Go naked in the snow, make a snow angel and hop into a similarly tempered basin.
What do you think?