Warum fühlen sich Frauen zu Macho´s hingezogen, obwohl sie selbst wissen, dass es nicht gut ist?
Die Sehnsucht nach diesem Arsch mit Sexappeal ist da. Und sie weiß, dass das nicht gut ist. Trotzdem möchte eine Frau keinen braven, angepassten, der kocht, putzt, ein wirklich netter ist, ist halt eben: nett und “angepasst”.
I, as a woman, do not understand this and have never felt drawn to such types, found and find Machos (depending on how strong they let him hang out) sometimes just repulsive.
You can go back to childhood. You’re looking for these men subconsciously. It is often due to the fact that these women might have had quite a questionable relationship with their fathers. Parents are now the first references. They show you what love is. Children depend on their gift and love. And if the father has now been, for example, a rather incomplete, desinterested man who has shown her rather the cold shoulder, then of course it does something with a child. Especially with a girl because the father is the first male reference. And because human being is a habit animal, we only feel comfortable there, what we do not know otherwise or what we then understand as “love” of a man: is to say to the women that in doubt they choose exactly the men who, like their father, shows them the cold shoulder. This is really not something they want and they also know that they are not good with it. But the subconscious is so powerful that one often does not realize it correctly that then not only the “machos” are blamed, but the women themselves also make their own contribution. You finally allow it to be treated like that.
That’s why it’s more a matter of luck if you, as a woman in childhood, have received a lot of love and care from your father. Because that’s exactly what a woman’s claims form during her life. I am really sure that a woman who was sincerely loved and seen by her father would never try Machos and find it rather unattractive. They do not know this kind of “love” so they are shown the cold shoulder.
What about a father who is often not home because he’s a truck driver?
How is he with you when he should be home?
This is what we see somehow monkeys are I always imagine when a silver-back one female needs to couple he bribes a female and the female feels borrowed and is in love with women that is not different when a man is very male (big and muscles) feels a woman dressed and then the man with her sex and the woman feels borrowed and falls in love when a man is considered weak
I’m sorry to have to contradict you. It’s never been possible to start with such arrogant guys. My last partner was just as I imagined my dream man. He was sweet, courteous, cooked… He doesn’t need cleaning, I like to do it myself. Thought he was perfect. After 8 years, my eyes were opened when I saw him cheating me on the Internet. So, also “Not Macho” can unfortunately not always trust woman…..😥!!!
Because you’re flattering. Maybe some women feel that way, but that doesn’t affect everyone.
I’m a woman and I don’t know what it’s like — maybe it’s sexy and so. Men who cook and clean well so if you are such one stay like this:)
This is their nature.
Who does not know the well-known gene sequence in female individuals that forces them to the appeal to self-proclaimed alpha men.
But that seems to be the truth
In addition, the two gene sequences that have almost become one were also able to maintain an Instagram flame until the end of the experiment.
By the way: The alphagen was discovered by Dr. Dr Alpha, who was in close relationship with Dr. Dr. Alphaphil. Unfortunately, it remained its only success, as after the discovery of alphaphilic women he could not save himself and was thus prevented from carrying out further work.
True, this gene sequence was already discovered by Dr. Dr. Alphaphil and isolated with high growth, biochemical methods and thus proved.
Since then, this knowledge about the alphaphile (named according to his explorer), which is responsible for the alphasexuality of all (!) women, has not only been regarded as thesis, but of course also proved to be truth.
So please formulate it correctly, it “does not seem like that”, it is so! Scientifically proven!
A recent study by Swedish scientists has also confirmed this thesis again.
The alphaphile was isolated and combined with the known alphagen occurring at 10% of the male population. After not even one hour, the two gene sequences had already planted a multiple and were no longer to be separated.
Thus, instead of repulsing as with two magnets, as is known, as gene sequences otherwise do, these two were instead soon mutated to almost one single gene strand which was no longer to be separated. If you gave him access to an internet-enabled terminal, he was even able to post kitschige Couple photos on Facebook every 1.37 seconds.
I, as a woman, do not understand and will never understand. So I used to stand on these matcho types, but now I’m just laughing at it.. How sick I was hahah so now it’s different, I prefer “nette, adapted” types.
When the woman was young and had a good body, the Bad Boys were able to reach her. The Nice Guys will have to go with the woman when their best years are behind her.
More interesting and exciting. The others are boring.
My ex was the opposite of Macho and not boring. But now I don’t know if I can trust a man so easily….
Understand the experience was certainly not great I was adored by some girls I am also very careful