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2 years ago

I’d say there are some factors in it. On the one hand the habit effect.but also the humidity, wind, sunshine or cloudy sky, etc.

1 year ago

It’s because you’re dressed thicker in winter. In addition, the winter temperatures with minus degrees are comparatively cold, so that the 5 degrees Plus then occur very mildly. If, on the other hand, in autumn normal 15 degrees, you get the 5 degrees very cold.

2 years ago

The wind! From experience, the days can have -10 degrees, without wind it feels much warmer. 5 degrees, on the other hand, with strong wind, you’re freezing.

2 years ago

In winter, colder temperatures are used than in autumn.

2 years ago

Because you get used to the cold and in the summer it is reversed, you are used to the warmth.

2 years ago

Because in autumn you still have the contrast to the hot summer but in winter you have the contrast to the saukälte 🥶