Warum fühle ich mich so nutzlos?

Warum fühle ich mich wie Dreck, und so nutzlos? Ist es vielleicht weil ich als Erwerbsunfähig gelte?

Und ich glaube halt ohne Arbeit, ohne Job bist du nix Wert. Ich würde ja gerne Arbeiten, nur wie?

Auch sagten meine Eltern immer wer nicht arbeitet soll auch nichts essen. Und da ist es völlig egal ob wegen Behinderung oder nicht, denn man fände immer Arbeit, und wenn man nicht Arbeitet will man es nicht, und soll halt verhungern.

Was denkt ihr, haben meine Eltern recht? Und wie finde ich auch von einem betreuten Wohnen?

Weil ohne Job wird es sowieso schwierig da rauszukommen, und ohne Job fühle ich mich so Wertlos. Welcher Arbeitgeber würde mir trotz betreutes Wohnen und Betreuung eine Chance geben?

Welchen nutzen habe ich ohne Arbeit? Und wenn ich es nicht schaffe zu Arbeiten, bin ich nicht völlig wertlos?

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7 months ago

Many expectations have been put into you. Not everyone is equally strong to master them.

Our German educational system has many gradations, including foerder school and specialist workers.

Even those who can’t do this can find work and accommodation in devastating works.

Appropriately trained staff helps to manage everyday life

Aids are also offered for alleviating the psychological wounds and working up of grief and trauma.

Do not give up, you can make it out of you with some time to create a self-satisfied person.

7 months ago
Reply to  EliXTierXier

Isn’t right – it needs more of it

7 months ago

I am not sure that request is defined in every individual case. Whoever gets hold of the mirror and compares himself with others will always be dissatisfied

7 months ago

It is just as it is: Great parts of society do not understand that one does not live to work, but works to live. But if you can’t work in the face of your handicaps, you’re not useless. And if someone (even your parents) He’s lying to you. The fact that your parents are talking to you is certainly very bitter for you. Oh, I wanted you to have the opportunity to get rid of them, because such parents basically don’t need anyone. Parents should face their child without any restriction when they explain. You wouldn’t be useless, so it’s just horrible. Are you in treatment somewhere? Then I’d like to talk to you.

7 months ago
Reply to  EliXTierXier

Let’s say a little. Of course there are disabled workers. What one deserves there is nothing but limitless. And the chance to get from there another job is small, but at least there is. If this is the smallest evil for you, you can talk about it with skills. But who says you’re useless? For example, you could be a model for other disabled people. Precise role models are rare today and therefore more important than ever.

7 months ago

Why resign? I like to live too much for that. And I have also experienced despair that I do not think of. And if one says, life is beautiful!, that has weight. Whoever had a light life can easily talk like that.

7 months ago

Yeah, definitely. It’s not easy, I admit. But if you try to talk to the competent people, surely. One thing is certain: you are not worthless or useless! Whoever says he’s lying.

7 months ago

Too bad you don’t want to tell me your age. Take it, you are still quite young (at least under 25).

7 months ago

Stop pitying yourself! How old are you?

7 months ago

“Society” – you’re just like me!

7 months ago

Then start to like them (including yourself)! You can learn that.

7 months ago

No! No! No! You’re a man! And as such simply great!