Why do I feel this way?
Lately, I've been feeling like everything is getting too much for me. This world seems so cruel to me, and I feel misunderstood by most people. Everywhere I see only suffering and horror.
The war in Ukraine concerns me deeply. Invisible suffering becomes visible: innocent people are being murdered, while many in Russia themselves don't want war – yet their government doesn't seem to care. The people who rule this world seem childish to me, constantly arguing, constantly threatening. I wonder if they have such low self-esteem that they completely repress reality. To them, the death of a soldier seems to be just a number, a game without consequences. It shocks me that they are even proud of killing people.
I'm an agnostic. If there is a God, I wonder why he created such a cruel world. Why do we lose people we love—our grandparents, family, close friends? Why do we live and work as if we were immortal, only to hurt each other?
At night, I feel an emptiness that tears my heart apart. The pain is so intense that it feels like the world around me is getting smaller and smaller. I don't want to live anymore. I want to cry, but I can't.
During the day, I'm "normal." These thoughts rarely occur. But as soon as night falls, it all catches up with me. I've experienced a lot of trauma in my life, and I believe it plays a big role.
I wonder if I'm alone with these feelings and thoughts. Am I the only one? Or do other people feel similarly? I want to understand why I feel this way and perhaps hear from others how they deal with such thoughts.
Please share your opinions or experiences – I think I’m not alone, but I really want to know.
Hello Zia,
it is not unusual that you have such thoughts in view of all that happens in the world. I would like to take a point: You ask yourself why a God, if he exists, has created such a cruel world.
However, God has not created the world as it is today. Because everything was good at the beginning. Only when man began to let go of God began a world that has become increasingly cruel and chaotic.
However, there is still the question why God has admitted all this to this day and does not intervene. The Bible gives a satisfactory answer!
When you return to the beginning of humanity’s history, you find that God has given people a very good start to life. They had everything they needed to a great extent. Unfortunately, they did not take any grateful attitude towards God and turned away from him. Instead, they preferred to follow the empty promises of the chief opponent of God, Satan of the devil.
In his vision, God decided not to proceed immediately, but to allow people to be granted in their own will. This, however, led to serious consequences for all humanity.
People lost their bodylessness and spirit not only for themselves, but also for their all descendants, so also for us. It didn’t take long until the first murder happened. Gradually more and more door and gate opened for any kind of badness.
Since people were not willing to adhere to the loving instructions and principles of God, which actually only served their protection, they increasingly drifted into a life of deity and wickedness. This development moved to this day over the many centuries. However, No Reason for pessimism! Why can you say that?
Well, God had decided from the beginning, evil and suffering only for one certain time to allow. In this time, people had the chance to realize that their independence from God does not lead to a better life, but rather to the contrary. In the meantime, as the Bible clearly shows, the time when God lets people switch and rule has almost expired. Soon God will intervene in world affairs and ensure that right and order are restored.
For this purpose, he has appointed his own Son, Jesus Christ, as Regents over the earth, who will soon enter his reign. Then many very beautiful predictions that make the Bible will be fulfilled. This also includes the following promise of God to the disadvantaged of this earth:
“For he will free the poor, who calls for help, even the depressed and anyone who has no helper. He will be sorry for the wrestling and the poor, and the souls of the poor will be saved. From depression and violence he will redeem his soul, and her blood will be precious in his eyes” (Psalm 72:12-14).
During this time, no one will have any reason for despair and hopelessness, because then also what is expressed in the following gripping words: “You open your hand and sown the desire of all living” (Psalm 145:16). People will not be sick or hungry. It’s easy to nothing lack!
Honestly, do you think that’s too beautiful to be true? Please be aware, however, that the predictions of the Bible always have proven reliable and true! Moreover, God has proven millions of times that he does not abandon those who are loyal to him.
His most intimate desire is to get to know him as many people as possible and build a friendship with him. “Come on, and he will come close to you,” says in the Bible (Jacobus 4:8). This invitation can everyone and it leads him today to a happier existence and in the future to a life in perfect Happy and peace.
LG Philipp
I’m sorry about how the world has developed. There were so many opportunities to make it better.
If I’m full of the snout, I’ll leave the media for a while and focus on my real life. And behold, there is also a lot of beauty.
The world doesn’t care if I’m informed about all this crap or not. Wasn’t possible in the past, you weren’t so confused with messages. Also, not every brain could carry his mental mump to the public.
Yeah, I understand you too. Our present reality can certainly not bring us joy. It’s true, it used to be much better than today. I mean, however, we shouldn’t pull all this through ourselves, shouldn’t experience it much. Wars have always existed and are there ever more in the future, so the Lord himself has said, therefore we should not be very afraid of it, I think. Of course, it’s very easy for us not to be afraid because we’re sitting with the water and the internet in our dressings, but that’s not our fault, what is happening in Ukraine. All we can do – to beg the Lord to end this war more quickly.
I want you to live your own life. People all have their own problems and many just think about themselves. I would recommend you to make your life a little easier. You could learn a musical instrument, then you’ll relax. Mostly, you shouldn’t think about things and don’t think so much at all if you can’t do anything or have no way to change anything. That’s how you make your life worse.
The Church is a good way to find the truth of life. All the questions we ask, someone had already asked and resolved in the past. Everything’s in the books. LG
As a person who has survived many traumas, but who has assumed the mindful personality of yours, I would also like to say something:
I’m not a good person, I’m honest and sincere. I never tried to be one, and I don’t have to change.
Whatness is that I can understand everything. No matter what opinion, no matter what statement. I just don’t care.
You’re a very sensitive person. This can be a strength, yes. Not more.
War has unfortunately become something normal. Not every person is fine, you have to accept that.
The question is, can you do something? And if you could do something, would that make you feel better?
Your emotional situation would touch me if I were able to feel something.
My tip:
No one would help you. Everyone is responsible for himself. Take care of yourself and accept that there are people who are not well. End of Story. That sounds hard, yes, but you can’t really do something about it. Learn to adapt or adapt.
Good luck!
Hey, believe me. You’re not alone with these thoughts. I always feel like that. Unfortunately, there are so many things that are just outside our sphere of influence that we simply have to accept.
Why God created such a world? This life in the world is just a test. After death I think the “true life” comes. We should do our best just try to be good people. So much time with our loved ones to spend and make the best of everything.
If something stupid happens to me, I always say “everything has a reason why it happens” if I hadn’t been there and there had been sick at that time, at home in bed, I might have died out in a car accident. That’s why I should be sick in bed right now. Everything happens in the right place at the right time.
That the thoughts only catch you at night is normal. Try meditation or get up early at 07:00. Then you will be so tired at night to have no strength to think about it. I wish you a lot of success on your way, but don’t question everything. you do not say for free: stupid people live happier 🩷 (soll be a joke of course)
I think people should ask themselves less why God makes suffering. I think we should ask ourselves why people are suffering.
People are guilty of suffering, not God. It is the fault of some people that others are starving. People are starving in war, but people have begun war. Even if the government of a country does not care enough for its own population, poverty and hunger can occur. So people are also responsible for this.
If all people were to act after charity, there would be no war and all people would be fed up.
I’m Christ. If you want to know something that convinces me that there is God, you can ask me, for example, or go to my profile.
You’re not alone!
Many people from my environment and I myself sometimes overthink everything to deep into the night. A lot feels teaching and as if one is overwhelmed by these negative thoughts. But you have to remember the beautiful things in life and what you will experience. Sometimes you have to see life as a challenge, a kind of level that you have to pass, and if you create a heavy level then you get a light. It will always go up and down in life but you have to keep in mind what positive things happen about one and be grateful for his friends and family who are on your side and generally the things that are important to one.
I can understand that very well. The world goes down and mankind makes steps back:(.