Warum fühle ich mich nach einer Zigarette etwas schlapp und ausgelaugt?
Oft nach dem ich eine Zigarette geraucht habe, fühle ich mich direkt danach schlapp und etwas ausgelaugt. Nach ca. 20 min. geht es wieder weg. Warum ist das so und kennt das auch jemand?
Take a poison into the body, with the liver and co. Not amazing that you feel that, at least at the beginning.
presumably, your ancillary problems have sufficient adrenalin to transport the nerve poison nikotin from your neurons
in the coffee would scih show that in trembling
but is only theory — (so as ursache in your case)
let me shave
are you fucking smoking?
3 to 5 cigarettes a day.
ow no
then it is unlikely
najah – at the beginning it should cum you – but after that you should detoxify
z.b when I cook
I am also being cumulated – but my body is detoxified
why I have to go to jail xD
every drug is exhausting
in front of all also lsd for brain
Because the smoke is poisonous…